'97 honda civic dx automatic, 121000 miles

Discussion in 'Civic' started by donsweetpea, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. donsweetpea

    donsweetpea Guest

    just bought for neice. she drove it 250 miles, checked the oil when
    stopped. showed empty. nothing on dipstick. empty coolant bottle. she
    put in 4 quarts of oil. still nothing on dipstick. absolutely no leaks
    underneath. started engine and checked oil while running. oil all the
    way up on dipstick, and gnashing noises from what appears to be the oil
    pump through dipstick tube. some spitting, but not much. not much oil
    flowing in valve cover either. some smoke, blue/white from tailpipe
    when back-off. she said lots of smoke for about 7 or 8 miles before
    shutting it down.
    there are no markings on the dipstick except two holes 1/2 inch apart
    at top and at bottom.
    why doesnt oil show on dipstick when stopped? how many quarts does it
    take? has she blown the head gasket, or burned a valve? or? car is at
    a freeway exit. would like to get feedback before towing, as very
    expensive/far. any info appreciated. don
    donsweetpea, Aug 21, 2006
  2. donsweetpea

    Elle Guest

    No coolant in the bottle? With the oil dipstick problems,
    the risk is too great to drive this car further. I do not
    see that you have any other sensible choice, except maybe to
    leave the car where it is for the night. Have the girl call
    a cab, go relax. Return to the car in the morning.

    Let the car cool down, then take off the radiator cap, and
    check for coolant in the radiator. Report back.

    The car should take about four quarts of oil. The dipstick
    starts showing an oil level about as one adds the fourth and
    final quart.

    This car's engine may have seized due to a loss of coolant.
    Elle, Aug 21, 2006
  3. donsweetpea

    donsweetpea Guest

    left it overnight
    went to get neice
    wife suggested: maybe someone put in wrong dipstick? wonder if tranny &
    oil dipstick switched?
    will check at dealer to see what oil and tranny dips look like tomorrow
    donsweetpea, Aug 21, 2006
  4. donsweetpea

    Elle Guest

    Ask your niece whether she ever saw the low oil pressure
    warning light come on; whether the temperature gage on the
    dashboard red-lined or seemed high; whether she ever saw
    coolant or oil on the ground beneath the car. Look for the
    oil and/or coolant on the ground tomorrow morning. Take the
    oil filler cap off tomorrow and look at the oil under the
    valve cover with a flashlight. What color and consistency is

    Any idea what the coolant level was before the trip?

    Elle wrote
    Pardon, the above is terrible communications. It's a loss of
    oil that causes an engine to seize (or, in this Civic's case
    if it was still kinda driving, start to seize).The car
    overheating due to a loss of coolant may have led to this.
    E.g. low coolant causes head to warp causing head gasket
    leak or similar, coolant and oil mix in a totally
    unacceptable(!) way in the cylinders and are lost out the
    exhaust pipe.

    But it's really not clear what all transpired yet.
    Elle, Aug 21, 2006
  5. donsweetpea

    Tali Guest

    The description of the dipstick does sound like the transmission fluid
    dipstick which would be shorter than the oil dipstick. Which in turn,
    may have lead to your neice misreading the oil levels and overfilling
    with oil.
    Tali, Aug 21, 2006
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