97 Honda CX 40 mpg but burning oil?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kratz7435, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. kratz7435

    kratz7435 Guest

    Hi, I have a 97 Civic with 165k miles that seems to run strong and get
    good gas mileage. I do courier type work and have been getting 38 to
    40 mpg. I do use a fair amount of oil, about a quart every 700-1000
    miles, although I don't notice any smoke. Passed emissions three
    months ago.

    I haven't done wet/dry compression test yet but will soon.

    I guess my question is whether burning oil usually corresponds with
    lower performance or gas mileage? Do bad rings or seals just let oil
    in and then "seal" under the power stroke/pressure?

    Thanks for any ideas... Tim
    kratz7435, Apr 27, 2007
  2. kratz7435

    motsco_ Guest


    Check your PCV. It's probably sucking out your oil (vapor) invisibly and
    burning it. Most folks recommend a Honda valve, but they are expensive.

    motsco_, Apr 27, 2007
  3. kratz7435

    Tegger Guest

    wrote in @r35g2000prh.googlegroups.com:

    Excellent chance your rings are shot. Rebuild/replacement time.

    No smoke because the cat eats it up.

    Mileage unaffected because engine burns it as though it were gasoline.

    Power has been lost, but it happens so slowly you don't notice.

    Emissions unaffected because modern engine oils combust very cleanly, to
    protect the cat.
    Tegger, Apr 27, 2007
  4. kratz7435

    kratz7435 Guest

    Thanks for the info, I guess the compression test would tell for

    I plan to put about 500 to 800 miles a week on it for the rest of the
    spring, summer, and into the fall. Unless something fails completely,
    I will probably run it up to timing belt replacement and then change
    out everything.

    Is rebuilding or replacing the block and head generally recommended??
    kratz7435, Apr 28, 2007
  5. kratz7435

    jim beam Guest

    rebuilding is simply uneconomic on a readily available commodity motor
    like this. buy a used low mileage japanese import engine and replace
    the whole assembly. much cheaper and more reliable.
    jim beam, Apr 28, 2007
  6. kratz7435

    kratz7435 Guest

    Thanks again, where do I shop for a motor? Online, at a junkyard, or
    a local engine remanufacturer? I think I called a "engine" place once
    and they wanted $3,000 which seems way to much. I generally like to
    shop local, online purchases this big always seem to go wrong, I am
    near Philly, PA.
    kratz7435, Apr 28, 2007
  7. kratz7435

    jim beam Guest

    search online for "jdm import motor". should be in the $300 to $500
    range for your engine. i wouldn't bother with a domestic junkyard motor
    - it'll be much higher mileage and made here so maybe subject to the
    same quality issue you have.
    jim beam, Apr 28, 2007
  8. kratz7435

    motsco_ Guest


    Did you check the PCV ? ? It's only worth about $20 and might cut your
    oil usage by 75%

    motsco_, Apr 28, 2007
  9. kratz7435

    jim beam Guest

    agreed - check that first.
    jim beam, Apr 28, 2007

  10. I was thinking along the same lines that it is often a ventilation issue
    that causes a gradual increase in oil consumption particularly since
    160K is not real high mileage for a Honda. OTOH, if there is a lot of
    stop 'n go, an engine will "age" faster.


    (Who wishes it was that simple on the $200 Civic turdbox...)
    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 28, 2007
  11. kratz7435

    kratz7435 Guest

    Thanks for all the help, I looked for the PCV valve but couldn't find
    it offhand, even under the intake manifold. There just seemed to be
    standard hose connections. the manual I have is pretty unclear,
    nothing specific to my exact car. The PCV valve pics I have seen for
    this car are 90 degrees, I haven't seen anything on my car that
    corresponds with the pics.

    What I did find was a hose directly from the top of the valve cover
    into the throttle body, directly under the air filter. There is a
    oily trail from that connection down into the throttle. I didn't see
    any valve, there are two 90 degree hose connections( which were
    flexible, couldn't feel an internal vavle) and a metal tube. It
    looked stock but should there be a valve in between?
    kratz7435, Apr 29, 2007
  12. kratz7435

    kratz7435 Guest

    I did find the PCV valve way up above the oil filter and cleaned it
    with carb cleaner, the "rattle" seemed to be smoother and louder so
    maybe it was clogged. I will check out the oil mileage this week....
    thanks again.
    kratz7435, Apr 29, 2007
  13. kratz7435

    motsco_ Guest


    You have to check it by blowing through it. It's supposed to allow a
    certain amount through one way, but none the other. If the spring is
    fatigued or broken (rusted to nothing), sure it will 'rattle', but not
    work. Walk into the dealer and ask them if you can compare a new one.

    motsco_, Apr 29, 2007
  14. kratz7435

    kratz7435 Guest

    Right, it allowed the carb cleaner one way only, I will give it a week
    or so and see what happens. Thanks...
    kratz7435, Apr 29, 2007
  15. kratz7435

    alfonso2501 Guest

    Keep us posted.
    alfonso2501, Apr 30, 2007
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