97 Integra key stuck then starting failure

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jony, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. Jony

    Jony Guest

    Today I had such weird problem twice, I am wondering if anyone here
    can help before going to dealor.

    First time it happened after I stopped in a shopping plaza. I turned
    off the engine and tried to take the key out, but the key couldn't be
    removed. Then, I tried to turn on the engine again, the A/C runs,
    stero system works, but the engine just couldn't start. I tried to
    change shift from PARK to R or D positions, after several tries, the
    engine started and it ran as normal.

    It happened again when I stopped at the library. This time I couldn't
    take the key out or get the engine started. I left it for about 10
    mins while calling my friend for help. Before my friend came, I tried
    once again and it started!

    Then I drove home and this time I didn't have problem removing the

    Is this a battery problem? I had jumped my car twice half a year ago.

    Jony, Aug 28, 2003
  2. It sounds like a shift console switch except that problem is usually
    strongly associated with cold weather and cars of ~1990 vintage. When
    you say you tried to shift P R D, did the shifter work normally? Does
    the indicator light match the actual shifter position?
    Gordon McGrew, Aug 29, 2003
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