So the Radiator boils over on my 97 Accord, and I start the diagnosis process, T-stat is OK so I get to step two and find that the motor does not respond to direct voltage except for an initial turn. So I replace the motor and all is well. I decide to pull the back off of the old motor see the cause of failure. As I suspected it is normal wear on the brushes. So here is the rant. why don't they sell brush kits to replace these things with. I pay fifty bucks for a new motor when I need a ten cent pair of brushes, (even if they were five bucks as a service item, I wouldn't complain). And I throw away a handful of copper, steel, plastic, that is essentially functional if they sold the brushes. And the commodity price for all those items continues to inflate as they become more scarce. I guess we will worry when we run slap out.