98-02 Accord Headlight lenses

Discussion in 'Accord' started by FunkyKev, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. FunkyKev

    FunkyKev Guest

    Anyone else have (essentially) a clearcoat failure on the outer surface
    of the headlight lense? i washed the car and thought I hadn't got som
    bug smear off and upon looking closer it looks like there is some skin
    on the lense that is degrading and flaking off on the outside. Any

    FunkyKev, Aug 13, 2006
  2. FunkyKev

    johngdole Guest

    The old lenses that sat out in the sun got cataracts. Saw a few peeling
    but these are on very old cars.

    But NAPA carries new ones for $155:.
    johngdole, Aug 14, 2006
  3. FunkyKev

    TeGGeR® Guest

    There is in fact a skin. It's the federally-mandated anti-abrasion epoxy
    that all plastic headlamp lenses must have. The skin appears to break down
    with exposure to sunlight. Not one of the NHTSA's better ideas.

    There are kits available for polishing up the cloudy ones, but if yours is
    one of those actually peeling off, there is no cure but replacement.
    TeGGeR®, Aug 14, 2006
  4. FunkyKev

    FunkyKev Guest

    Yeah, peeling apparently. Looks cloudy, but when rubbing/sliding my
    fingernail from cloudy to clear areas i can feel and edge where my nail
    gets hung. Not so in the reverse direction. Never knew about this.
    Very stupid at first glance.
    FunkyKev, Aug 14, 2006
  5. FunkyKev

    FunkyKev Guest

    Oh, FYI...that's a 1998 Accord I'm talking about.

    FunkyKev, Aug 14, 2006
  6. FunkyKev

    Dave Garrett Guest

    I have a similar issue on my 99 Accord - had one of the headlamps
    replaced about a year ago, so its lens is nice, clear and shiny, but the
    other one is noticeably cloudy.

    I was planning to try Mother's Plastic Polish on one of the ball-shaped
    polishing tools that fit into the chuck of an electric drill. Are the
    specialized kits a better idea?

    Dave Garrett, Aug 14, 2006
  7. FunkyKev

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I understand they are, but have no personal experience with either.
    TeGGeR®, Aug 15, 2006
  8. FunkyKev

    FunkyKev Guest

    So, what's the difference between cloudy and peeling? Sounds the same
    if both cases are external conditions of the lense. If they are
    different then we are to assume that the skin can cloud before it
    peels. true or not?

    FunkyKev, Aug 15, 2006
  9. FunkyKev

    TeGGeR® Guest

    The discoloration means the coating is becoming optically poor, but is
    still intact. If not too bad, the discoloration may be buffed out.

    If the coating is *peeling off* on the other hand, then it's outright
    missing in spots. I guess you could buff up what's left, but I don't know
    how the unprotected plastic on the peeled spots would behave over time.

    Most of what I've seen on plastic headlights is cloudiness and yellowing.
    The peeling thing seems to be relatively rare. Take a walk through a
    shopping mall parking lot on a Saturday afternoon and you'll see the same
    thing I see.
    TeGGeR®, Aug 15, 2006
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