98 Accord with Engine light code P1456

Discussion in 'Accord' started by nnnn via CarKB.com, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. My car got the engine light code P1456. It has been cleared for 3
    times but it still come back on.
    I bought a new gas cap from deler, but it still on. The local shop checked
    about this code for me, he said there is not thing wrong with any part, but
    gas tank he was not be able to check. He recommed me to go to Honda, so I
    went. Honda just said he ran the test about vapor in gas tank, there is only
    leak they could fine is gas cap. They cleared the light for me againn, but 6
    days after that it was back ON!! I called the dealer they said they have on
    idea, there is only one way, checking everything about this code following a
    chart. But, they dont know how long will it be, and how much for the service.

    I'm worry about this, please help me. Will this problem affect my
    engine or anything???
    nnnn via CarKB.com, Sep 28, 2007
  2. nnnn via CarKB.com

    Tegger Guest

    Is the new cap gray or black? Your car takes the gray one.

    There IS something wrong with one of the many parts of the sytem, otherwise
    the light wouldn't illuminate.

    There is an 8-page TSB (98-045) that describes the testing procedure to be
    used in diagnosing a P1456 error. any garage may perform these tests. All
    you need is a vacuum gauge and a wire to be used as a jumper.

    Unfortunately, these new government-dictated evap systems are so bloody
    complex and sensitive, it can take a long time to properly troubleshoot
    problems. This is probably why your mechanic told you to go to the dealer:
    he doesn't want to spend lots of time he may not be able to charge for.

    Don't worry about damage to the engine. Evap errors do not cause any damage
    to anything whatsoever.
    Tegger, Sep 28, 2007
  3. Thank you for answering, I do use the gray one
    Why the dealer just told these is leak at the gas cap but these is not,
    because I did close it very well. What should I do next. I heard someone
    change charcoal cannister then it's fixed. What is charcoal cannister? How
    to replace it ?
    nnnn via CarKB.com, Oct 6, 2007
  4. nnnn via CarKB.com

    Tegger Guest

    I posted the mention of an 8-page TSB on this subject. If you want to
    blindly throw money at the car instead of troubleshooting the issue
    properly, be my guest.

    Go here:
    Login with username lib and password access

    Choose "Auto Repair Reference Center" from menu at left. Navigate to your
    car. The TSB is there.
    Tegger, Oct 6, 2007
  5. nnnn via CarKB.com

    jim beam Guest

    come on, be reasonable! he wants to spend him money, monkey with his
    car, then bleat to his buddies about what crap hondas are because you
    can't fix them like the old p.o.s. 50's chevy truck he used to have.
    you're ruining his fun - stop that.
    jim beam, Oct 6, 2007
  6. nnnn via CarKB.com

    Tegger Guest

    Bad, BAD Tegger. <spank spank>
    Tegger, Oct 7, 2007
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