Hoping for some help from the car gurus out there. I have a 98 Honda Accord V6 EX with ~138,000 miles on it (lots of highway miles during commutes for six years). My work situation changed recently and for the last six months my car has sat in the driveway frequently idle for a few days at a time and then when used usually only for short trips. Suddenly today, out of the blue, the car won't start. The car had sat idle for about 1 week. Symptom: Turn key, starter continuously runs (rei-rei-rei-rei-rei-rei-rei) but the engine doesn't turn over. Lights all bright and don't seem to dim when the starter is running. I waited a few hours and tried again to same effect. I just had the alternator, battery, ignition coil all replaces 1.5 years ago for a different problem so I doubt any of those have failed (the dealer told me they changed the ignition switch too as a recall item but it never showed on any documentation). I've never had any problem starting the car before, no hard starts even in cold weather. So what might be the problem? I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination but could it be the starter motor? I don't think it's the battery ot any of the electical system. I'd like to have some idea whats wrong before I have it towed to be looked at. All help is greatly appreciated! -MikeK