98 honda accord missing-stumped

Discussion in 'Accord' started by airboatman, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. airboatman

    airboatman Guest

    I have a honda accord lx 4cyl vtec that has 70k miles. It is missing
    pretty bad. The check engine light is on and flashing sometimes. The
    codes set are 71 (random misfire) and sometimes 72,73,74. I suspected
    ignition so changed in sequence the coil, rotor, distributor cap, plug
    wires, plugs, ICM and then the distributor assembly (with cam position
    sensor) none of the changes made any difference. I have also checked
    valve adjustment, compression and pinched the return fuel line and
    listened for changes. I have listened to the injectors with
    stethescope and they are consistent. I pulled the fuel pump from the
    tank and checked for screen clogged etc. None of the above has led
    anywhere. I don't know what to try next. Help!
    airboatman, Aug 2, 2004
  2. airboatman

    Caroline Guest

    Just curious: Have you checked the ignition timing?
    Caroline, Aug 2, 2004
  3. airboatman

    motsco_ _ Guest


    If you were looking for screen clogged, does that mean you're only
    having high-speed misfire, because luel filter or plugged screen would
    only show up at high load / speed.

    Whether it's missing at low speed or high speed, I'd run a can of
    Techron Injector cleaner through it, or at least a couple tanks of
    gasohol, but then I always try the cheapest fixes first.

    Does it ever show signs of FLOODED engine first thing in the morning?
    (see manual)

    motsco_ _, Aug 2, 2004
  4. airboatman

    Jason Guest

    It could be a number of different things. If you don't have any equipment
    needed to check various things, I advise you to take it to a local
    mechanic that you trust. Mechanics will hook up a diagnostic computerized
    engine tester to your engine and quickly determine the cause of the

    I once had this problem and eventually took it to a local mechanic that
    had a great reputation. He determined that the problem was the spark plug
    wire that ran from one spark plug to distributor. He said that it could
    have been lots of other things but his computerized tester quickly found
    the problem.
    Jason, Aug 2, 2004
  5. airboatman

    jim beam Guest

    elimnate the simple stuff - is the coolant level ok? and i mean
    checking inside the rad, not looking at the level of the expansion
    bottle. if the level is not high enough, the engine can get a false
    "cool" signal on the head temp sensor. the ecu then injects too much
    gas, and when the engine is hot, it will randomly misfire. i had a
    civic with this problem and did pretty much all that you did before i
    figured it out. _never_ trust the level in the expansion bottle. if
    there's the smallest air leak in the coolant system, when the engine
    cools, it sucks air back through the leak rather than refills from the
    expansion bottle, so the coolant can be significantly low without it
    being obvious.
    jim beam, Aug 3, 2004
  6. airboatman

    airboatman Guest

    I have checked it, I forgot to put it in my description, good catch
    airboatman, Aug 3, 2004
  7. airboatman

    airboatman Guest

    I just checked the radiator fluid and it is to the top. I wonder if
    the sensor you talk about could be bad causing the same thing. I will
    see if I can get to it through the computer.

    airboatman, Aug 3, 2004
  8. airboatman

    airboatman Guest

    Believe it or not I have had different shops look at it. Both have
    hooked it up to computer OB2 and can't find anything. Thanks anyway
    airboatman, Aug 3, 2004
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