98 honda accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by poobear105, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. poobear105

    poobear105 Guest

    I have not had any problems with my accord up until now. I drove the car
    somewhere, it was working fine and when I later returned to it, it just
    wouldn't start. I don't think it's the batterym because everything else is
    powered - lights radio wipers power locks, etc. When I turn the ignition,
    it just doesn't turn over. Try boosting it, nothing. Checked the fuses,
    nothing. checked fluids, everything is fine. It just wont start -had to
    have it tiwed home and now it just sits there 2 days later. Can anyone
    offer some advise PLEASE.
    poobear105, Jan 10, 2008
  2. poobear105

    Elle Guest

    It's hard to diagnose from afar, so bear with the questions
    you're given here.

    Two candidates you want to eliminate quickly: Broken timing
    belt and old battery.

    to check the timing belt.

    When you say you tried boosting it, do you mean you tried a

    A battery may still power the lights radio, etc. but not
    have enough energy left in it to get the car started.
    Alternatively it's so old it can't hold enough charge.

    How old is the battery in years? Has it been jumped many
    times? Who is the battery manufacturer?

    I would start by first checking the battery voltage. If it's
    less than 12 volts, then replace it.

    See http://www.tegger.com/hondafaq/startproblems.html for
    more troubleshooting suggestions.
    Elle, Jan 10, 2008
  3. poobear105

    Bumpy Guest

    Did you have the ignition switch replaced under the recall?

    The contacts in the switch, cannot handle the current in some cases.>
    Bumpy, Jan 11, 2008
  4. poobear105

    motsco_ Guest


    If you've ruled out a dead battery, you probably need to have a helper
    hold the key to position III and you tap the starter with a hammer (or
    hatchet) per this thread:


    If you're hearing no click, it's the brushes not contacting the armature.

    motsco_, Jan 11, 2008
  5. poobear105

    AZ Nomad Guest

    It would still turn over with a broken timing belt. I'd concentrate on the
    battery/ignition switch/solenoid/starter.

    And please quit top posting. It royally fucks up the flow of a thread.
    backwards thread fucking every read to likes everybody Not


    AZ Nomad, Jan 11, 2008
  6. poobear105

    Elle Guest

    Depends on what the OP meant when s/he said it does not
    "turn over." Yes the crankshaft turns (driven by the
    starter), but the valves are not working right.

    If you do not like top posting, please consider killfiling
    my posts. It's not a big deal to me and to many others, and
    etiquette says it's more efficient and hence more polite.
    So now and then I top post.
    Elle, Jan 11, 2008
  7. poobear105

    motsco_ Guest


    I'll elaborate. The solenoid is supposed to click loudly as it engages.
    The solenoid finds it's path to ground through the windings in the
    armature / field. If your brushes are burnt up / hanging up or if the
    armature is burnt / uneven, the solenoid can't even make the big click.
    Tapping the starter will often seat the brushes well enough to complete
    the circuit.
    If you're getting the big click and nothing else happens it's because
    the contacts on the end (inside) the solenoid are fried off. They are
    often replaceable. See the link provided.

    motsco_, Jan 11, 2008
  8. poobear105

    bi241 Guest

    I suspect a faulty ignition switch. With the key at II position, use a
    remote starter, or simply a piece of 12 gauge wire, to power up the
    starter's solenoid directly from the battery's posistive terminal.

    If the starter engages (clicks) and turns, your ignition switch is
    If the starter engages but won't turn, the copper contacts are shot.
    But i doubt if this is the case. You didnt experience this symptom
    using the switch, you won't see it using a remote starter.

    if nothing happens, check for loose ground connections.
    bi241, Jan 14, 2008
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