98 honda civic aftermarket radio problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Greg, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Greg

    Greg Guest

    My wife has a 98 civic ex and the stock radio is only an AM/FM setup. So,
    about two years ago we went and got a aftermarket radio w/cd player. They
    had to jumper the wire from the old radio and leave it behind the dash so
    the keyless entry and dome light will still work. Here is the the
    problem....after about a year the radio started getting a high pitched noise
    that could be heard all the time and it interferred with the microproccesor
    causing the CD player to stop. I just assumed it was a bad radio so I went
    and got a new one of the same brand so I could use the same wire harness.
    It has worked just fine for about another year until two days ago. the new
    radio is doing the exact same thing. At first I thought it was a bad ground
    or the antenna was not hooked up right, but after checking the antenna and
    giving the radio a dedicated ground it still did the same thing. Oddly
    enough the only way I can figure to consistently stop the noise is to
    squeeze the radio on the bottom! I even took the radio apart. it looked
    fine as far as I could tell.
    So here is my question: Is there a possible problem with the wiring causing
    these radios to short out? It all looks pretty clean and correct, but what
    do i know. I am thinking of getting her the separate cd player that goes in
    the bin behind the cup holders. It looks like it just wires directly to the
    factory radio with an eight pin connector.

    What should I do?
    Greg Toft
    Greg, Aug 20, 2003
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