98 Honda Civic - Timing belt?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by M. Looney, Nov 30, 2003.

  1. M. Looney

    M. Looney Guest

    I was driving last night on a highway,going about 70 M.P.H., when I noticed
    that when I began to depress the gas pedal I would hear slight wine/screech.
    As I traveled on, the noise grew louder and the battery light became
    activated. At this point I pulled over to a side road. My speed at this
    point was about 15 M.P.H,. when I heard a popping/grinding sound and what
    sounded like debris being thrown about the engine. I lost complete power and
    had to pull over. The battery did not seem to be the problem as electrical
    functions continued to work, but when I turned the ignition key nothing
    happened. Can anyone tell me what possibly happened, so when I talk to a
    mechanic I have some background? Thanks.
    M. Looney, Nov 30, 2003
  2. M. Looney

    Caroline Guest

    Are you trying to confirm the timing belt has failed? If so, then take the
    distributor cap off carefully, and then have someone try to start the car while
    you watch the distributor rotor. If the rotor does not turn at all, then it's
    highly likely your car's timing belt failed.

    Unfortunately, it's quite possible the failure while driving did some serious
    damage to the engine. This could be expensive.

    How many miles are on your car? When was the last time the timing belt was

    If it is the timing belt and there is no other damage, most people have the shop
    put in a new water pump at the same time.
    Caroline, Nov 30, 2003
  3. M. Looney

    Mike Guest

    Check for a possible seized bearing to one of your drive accessories
    (Alternator, p/s pump, a/c). Also check the a/c idler pulley. This is the
    small 3 to 4 inch diameter pulley used to adjust the a/c compressor drive
    belt tension. I had an 87 Civic that developed a squeeking noise (idler
    pulley) that had the bearing eventially disintegrate and stopped the
    engine from running. Just a lot of black smoke (burned drive belt)
    escaping from the hood. The day before it failed, I took it to the dealer
    who misdiagnosed the problem, replacing the a/c compressor pulley instead.
    Got reinbursed for the tow and a free idler/belt installed when I was
    through with them :-o...Good Luck...
    Mike, Dec 1, 2003
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