99 accord block coolant drain plug

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Ed Overly, Nov 28, 2003.

  1. Ed Overly

    Ed Overly Guest

    Can anyone tell me where this is? I thought it was below the oil
    filter on the back of the block, but I can't find it. Thanks.

    Ed Overly, Nov 28, 2003
  2. Ed Overly

    Dick Guest

    Which engine?
    Dick, Nov 29, 2003
  3. http://www.honda.co.uk/owner/WorkshopManualCivic84-87/62sb200/7-2.pdf
    Try this site for info. wolf
    Wolfgang Bley, Nov 29, 2003
  4. Ed Overly

    E. Meyer Guest

    If you are talking about the 4 cylinder engine, its usually above the oil
    filter on the back. Unless you have a lift and enough leverage to get a
    long breaker bar extension on it, its not going to come out.
    E. Meyer, Nov 29, 2003
  5. Ed Overly

    Sid Guest

    I had problems with this also. I even have the Helms manual and the plug
    shown in the book did not match reality. I found a plug/bolt in the general
    vicinity, but it definitely did not match the diagram. I started taking it
    out (it was hard to loosen), but it didn't feel right. It was very stiff
    even after I had it most of the way out. Since I didn't know what behind
    it, I ended up tightening it back up and just flushing with a hose by
    draining at the radiator, filling it up, running until hot, and repeating a
    couple times. If I were doing this again, I would flush with distilled
    water instead of the hose. It would only take a 2-3 gallons and I would not
    have introduced calcium laden water into the system.

    I remember being very frustrated that the Helms manual was wrong. What
    would have taken less than an hour if I could have drained the engine block
    instead took me over two hours.

    Sid, Nov 30, 2003
  6. Ed Overly

    George Guest

    Don't worry about it. I spent 30 minutes looking for it on my 99EX 4cyl and
    could not find it. I actually loosened the only bolt in the area and a very
    small amount of fluid (oil?) leaked out and I quickly put it back. I work
    near a Honda dealer and asked at the service desk. The service tech smiled
    and said to just drain the radiator.

    George, Nov 30, 2003
  7. Ed Overly

    Dick Guest

    Assuming you have the 4-cyl engine, the drain bolt is directly below
    the oil filter. The first thing you come to below the filter. If you
    remove it (the manual says to take it out after draining the
    radiator), you need to apply liquid gasket to the threads, use a new
    washer, and torque to 61 ft lbs. Ref: Shop manual page 10-9

    Dick, Nov 30, 2003
  8. Ed Overly

    Ed Overly Guest

    I think I found it. Thanks for all the messages! It was slightly
    above and to the left of the oil filter. It's behind a lip and can't
    be seen from directly below. I couldn't loosen it however, even with
    a breaker bar and hammer.
    Ed Overly, Dec 1, 2003
  9. Ed Overly

    Wade Punch Guest

    I too, took a long time looking for the plug on my 99 LX 4 cyl. And it
    was on there pretty damn tight, but I did get it loose. I was
    disappointed when I too, had a very small amount of fluid dribble out.
    It puzzled me too, it didn't look like pure coolant, it was sort of
    oily. I wonder what the deal is.

    Next time I change the coolant, I have no plans to loosen that bolt
    p.s. After I tightened it, w/ no sealer etc. I have had no leaks from
    Wade Punch, Dec 22, 2003
  10. Ed Overly

    Wade Punch Guest

    When I finally got the plug loose, I was only using a ratchet with a
    pretty decent length handle, but it didn't come loose easily. (Extra
    *!#& words helped)
    I had my car up on drive-up ramps.
    Wade Punch, Dec 22, 2003
  11. No, the others are correct - it's to the left and slightly above the oil
    filter. It's the only thing around with a 19mm A/F hex bolt head on it.
    The plug below the oil filter, with a hex socket hole, is the oil pressure
    relief valve plug.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Dec 22, 2003
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