99 Accord noise in Right Rear brakes

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Guest, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My 99 Accord was hit in the rear today at 2MPH, barely made contact. The guy was real nice
    and followed me to the body shop to pay to have bumper painted as he didn't want to file on his
    insurance. They are going to paint it next week. This afternoon I heard.a creaking noise in the
    right rear brakes. I noticed it mostly when I back out of driveway. I can put the car in park and
    rock the car forward and back and pinpoint the noise to the right rear wheel. Any ideas of what
    to look for in the brakes? It made the noise with or without the brake applied. TIA
    Guest, Mar 11, 2005
  2. Guest

    John Ings Guest

    Honda disk brake pads incorporate a clever device that warns the
    driver when brake pads have worn down and need changing. It's simply a
    U-shaped piece of metal that, when the pads are new, doesn't come near
    the rotating disk. As the pad material wears away however, the end of
    this metal strip comes closer and closer to the rotor until when there
    is only a marginal amount of pad left, it touches the rotor during
    braking. This generates discreet squeaks and scratchings at first,
    most noticeable when backing up or maneuvering slowly in a parking
    lot. As the contact becomes more intimate the wear strip can generate
    the most ominous gronking noises that will be noticed by even the most
    inattentive driver. The cure is simple, replace the pads with new

    John Ings, Mar 11, 2005
  3. Guest

    Keith J Guest

    I agree. Don't even mention to the guy who tapped you, it has nothing to do
    with him. I've backed into guardrails harder than that... yes, the scrape
    marks are still there.

    Keith J, Mar 14, 2005
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