99 accord, power and mileage loss , car is limping around..

Discussion in 'Accord' started by eswaroop, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest

    Badly need help figuring out what is wrong. All this started after a
    valve adjustment which was done improperly, and fixed later by me.

    Here is what I know till date. The car runs okay for the first 15
    minutes or so and then the performance and mileage drop drastically.
    It seems to limp around even if I floor the pedal.

    No CEL codes

    The ignition timing advance is 10 degrees during idle ( must be
    between 11 and 13 according to the honda diagnostics unit).

    The spark plugs are blackened (sooty, so rich mixture)

    The o2 sensor is shifting between .1 and .89 volts, but quickly enough
    or not - I dont know..

    The car revs smoothly, too smoothly than it ever did earlier in fact
    (maybe sign of retarded timing)

    I think the exhaust is heating up a lot more than usual (again sign of
    retarded timing?)

    Drives okay for around first 15 minutes, then acceleration and
    response declines drastically as I drive longer, mileage also suffers.

    What could be wrong??


    eswaroop, Apr 10, 2004
  2. What engine is this? Are you 100% sure valves are OK now?
    The L4 engine spec is 12°BTDC +/-2° so it's close.
    Is the engine getting up to full operating temp?... maybe think about
    changing thermostat anyway?? I believe your car still has separate temp
    gauge and ECT sensors so the next thing I'd check is the ECT sensor for
    resistance when engine is hot. Other than that it could be a sensor
    problem someplace else - TDC, CYP, throttle position, MAP, etc. Start by
    checking harnesses and connectors.

    Have you checked that the MIL lamp is working at ignition on? The fact
    that you're not getting a MIL when the thing is so obviously out of whack
    could also mean the ECM is bad.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Apr 11, 2004
  3. eswaroop

    Graham W Guest

    Has the air filter collapsed and is getting sucked into the 'out' port
    or is water spray getting sucked into the air intake?
    Can you inspect the filter after a run where the problem arises
    and maybe remove it and try without for a very short run (1/2 mile)?
    Graham W, Apr 11, 2004
  4. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest


    The valves were adjusted too tightly, I am pretty much sure some of
    them were burnt to an extent before I set them back to specs.. So do
    the symptoms below seem to gel with that, burnt valves and compression


    eswaroop, Apr 11, 2004
  5. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest

    The air filter looks fine to me, though I really have not checked it
    in the middle of the problem. Where does the water spray you are
    talking about come from??

    Also, all the connectors seem fine to me and I had the car hooked up
    to a diagnostic unit to see if any codes were set, and did not find
    any, so I presume the light is working.
    eswaroop, Apr 12, 2004
  6. With a burnt valve(s) I'd think you'd be able to feel some other symptoms,
    like severe chugging at transition from coasting to light acceleration.
    I'd also expect a check engine on the MIL if they were that bad. Have you
    tried turning the engine over by hand, as one does during a valve check,
    with a wrench on the crank pulley bolt to see if you hear the valves
    hissing and low resistance on the compression strokes?... crude form of
    compression check which you might also want to do more thoroughly.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Apr 12, 2004
  7. eswaroop

    Graham W Guest

    From outside! Maybe thrown up by driving through a stream or
    splashing through puddles.
    Have you seen the light illuminate? The filament could have failed.

    Have you polished the inside of the distributor cap? Could be damp.
    Graham W, Apr 12, 2004
  8. eswaroop

    asdf Guest


    This sounds terrible, but I tried turning the crank yesterday and I am
    hearing fairly audible hiss on cylinders 1 and 3.. I am gonna get a
    compression check done tommorrow, seems like its gonna be bad news.

    I dont notice severe chugging but it is noticeable, even if i floor the gas,
    the car does not respond, then tries, gives up, tries gives up...

    Talked to the service manager today, and he is trying to escape from fixing
    the problem by saying that it is normal for a 70k miles car. These fellows
    are really bad.
    What can I do if they dont take responsibility??

    Also, how hard is it gonna be to change the valves? Sounds like a time
    consuming task...

    In case I do have damage to the car, will it be just the valves or would the
    exhaust and intake manifolds also take some wear? If so, should I change the

    Damn it, this sounds bad.


    asdf, Apr 12, 2004
  9. Well you *will* always hear *some* hiss but along with the back pressure of
    the valves sealing. IOW the air will escape slowly with the compression -
    I guess you've compared with the "feel" of the compression stroke on the
    other cylinders.
    Was it them who set the valves too tight in the first place? Is this a
    Honda dealer? Only recourse I can think of would be if it fails an
    emissions check... then it *could* be a warranty issue.
    New valves almost inevitably and it depends onhow bad the valve seats are
    burnt, whether they can be reground or have to be replaced - a new head
    might be a better option given the $$ involved. If that service place
    can't set the valve clearances right in the first place, unlikely I'd trust
    them with that kind of work.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Apr 13, 2004
  10. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest

    No, the air filter looks fine to me.

    No I have not tried polishing the distributor cap, but the engine (and
    the distibutor) is getting so hot that I cannot imagine any moisture
    anywhere close to the cap..

    Did not check the bulb, but as I said, I hooked it up to a diagnostic
    unit to see if any codes were set(the bulb lights up only when a code
    is set right?), no codes have been stored by the ECU.

    I think I am losing compression on a couple of cylinders and am
    planning to get a leakdown test done. What would be acceptable figures
    on this car?


    eswaroop, Apr 13, 2004
  11. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest

    I had a leak down test done today and the results are 8 % on two of
    the cylinders and 12% on the other two. They say that the rings have
    seized up due to carbon and that is what is causing the leak.

    What do I do now?

    Also, yes tthey are the ones who set teh valves tight in the firsst
    place, but today I went to them and saw that their .012 gauge is
    totally worn out, its more like .010, so no wonder they set them
    tight. But now what tehy are claiming is that I set them too lose and
    that is what is messing up everything.


    eswaroop, Apr 13, 2004
  12. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest


    In addition to all the problems mentioned above, I noticed something
    strange with the exhaust gases on my car, when I ask someone to stamp
    on the gas and the rpm goes up, and I feel the exhaust stream using my
    hand, the exhaust gases volume(flow) reduces and becomes hotter, at
    really high rpms, I almost cannot feel the exhaust flow, only the
    heat.. What is happening???


    eswaroop, Apr 14, 2004

  13. ============================

    Your cat must have a bunch of rust / carbon chunks sitting in the inlet
    side. When you punch the gas, it all flies up and blocks the intake of
    the cat, which is similar to a segment of screen door (as far as passing
    air goes)

    Remove the cat and dump out all the junk, or somehow vacuum it from the
    exhaust manifold end.

    Maybe the dealer blew the carbon crud down there, instead of being
    careful to REMOVE it.


    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 14, 2004
  14. I guess it wouldn't do any harm to use one of the fuel additives which is
    supposed to clean valves and combustion chamber - nothing to lose. Give it
    a longish drive with the engine in the sweet spot where it still feels like
    it's working OK and allow a couple of heat soaks in between.
    They don't even have a metric feeler gauge and they are servicing

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Apr 14, 2004
  15. This is getting beyond my personal experience so guessing... but it sounds
    like an exhaust system restriction of some kind, possibly the catalytic
    converter as Curly suggests. I don't recall hearing anything about EGR
    cleaning though??... or maybe even an induction system restriction. Have
    you checked the resonator box and intake for obstructions? Check the
    intake tube, from air cleaner to manifold, for collapsing when you blip the
    throttle - IME it may contract just very slightly if you open the throttle
    quickly. We still don't know which engine this is.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Apr 14, 2004
  16. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest

    The engine is a F23A1 4 cylinder 2.3 litres.

    I am already running techron concentrate and took it out on a 60 mile
    drive yesterday. Shall do that again today, but do not know if it is

    I had a heart attack when I saw how worn the gauges were. The worst
    mistake I have done with my car is to have them set the valves.

    The intake side seems ok to me, no signs of collapse or choking.

    Damn the fellas, just to accuse me that I had set the valves
    incorrectly, they seem to have loosened a couple of valves, the engine
    seems to be rougher now..

    In addition to everything else, Shall try to check if the valves are
    to specs again this weekend.

    So why is the exhaust choking up? CAT seems like a solid possibility
    to me. The car has a warranty on the CAT till 80k miles, and I am
    covered, so I am getting it checked out tommorrow.(at another
    eswaroop, Apr 14, 2004
  17. Probably a good idea, just in case there's any crud which was on the seats
    which has been cleaned off. I've found the F23A1/4(don't recall which I
    have) engines a PITA to set the valves on. Once I get the clearance right
    and apply a bit of torque to take up any lash in the threads, when I apply
    the final torque, the locknut often seems to turn the adjuster a touch and
    therefore tighten the clearance a bit. It varies by individual valve so
    cannot be compensated for consistently. I hate the job and blame the cheap
    locknuts/adjusters with no chamfer on the nuts which are on the F23A1/4.
    By comparison, my Integra DOHC engine is much easier to do.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Apr 14, 2004
  18. eswaroop

    eswaroop Guest


    In addition to the techron concentrate, is there anything else I can
    do to try and loosen up the rings? Maybe pour something through the
    spark plug holes, let it sit overnight and clean it up by cranking the
    engine without the plugs in them? Maybe I might haveto change the
    engine oil after that, but if it frees up the rings its worth it..

    Any suggestions?
    eswaroop, Apr 15, 2004
  19. eswaroop

    mike Guest

    marvel mystery oil?
    mike, Apr 15, 2004
  20. eswaroop

    asdf Guest

    Can you describe in more detail how to go about using it? How much quantity
    to use, how long to let it sit soaking, how to remove most of it before
    cranking up? Any damage possibility to the o2 sensors, CAT ?
    asdf, Apr 15, 2004
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