99 Civic brakes

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Root, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. Root

    Root Guest

    I have a 99 honda civic ex that I mostly put highway miles on. It has 85k on
    it and I have done nothing but change the oil. Is it time the change the
    brakes? Or should i hear some kind of squeeling when it needs done? I am a
    semi new DIY guy. Anyone know where I can buy honda brakes online cheap?

    Root, Sep 7, 2004
  2. Root

    John Ings Guest

    You should at least look at them. If you drive where there's salt and
    slush on the roads in winter you should check them out annually.
    There are devices on the inner pads that will make faint scraping
    noises when you're going forward at low speeds, and ominous gronking
    sounds when you back up if the pads are near the end of their life.
    Buy a shop manual. Not a Chilton or Haynes, a proper honda shop
    Always use OEM pads.
    John Ings, Sep 7, 2004
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