99 civic Rear brake locking up after replacing everything

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Davieo, May 19, 2004.

  1. Davieo

    Davieo Guest

    Having a problem with my rear passsengers side drum brake. It locks up and
    then after an hour it is fine again till the next time it decides to happen.
    I have replaced the shoes and had them cleaned up as well as the flex line
    and the problem still persists. Anyone have any idea what this could be? I
    am at my wits end as they say.
    Davieo, May 19, 2004
  2. Davieo

    R Thompson Guest

    Need more info. ABS? 'I have replaced the shoes and had them cleaned up as
    well as the flex line
    and the problem still persists.' - what does that mean? Stop and go or
    freeway? What happens during the hour after lock up till it frees up?
    R Thompson, May 19, 2004
  3. Davieo

    Davieo Guest

    not abs you have to leave the car parked for about an hour and it goes
    away. While its locked the car will move but is sluggish and you can smelll
    burt brakes a mile away.
    Davieo, May 20, 2004
  4. Davieo

    R Thompson Guest

    The rear brake hose could be check-valving, plugging or collapsing after use
    and not letting pressure off, but they don't usually come and go like your
    description. Could be the parking brake not releasing completely and
    leaving the brake applied a little, which over time locks up, but again the
    symptoms don't quite match the usual problem. Are the rear brakes adjusted
    properly and equally? Can you pull the drums off and adjust the shoes in on
    both sides then drive and see if the problem reoccurs?
    R Thompson, May 20, 2004
  5. Davieo

    disallow Guest

    I agree with the parking brake diagnosis. I had the same
    problem on my 98 civic, i haven't fixed it yet, but i disconnected the
    parking brake on the side that was locking up (you can do that
    right at the brake lever, just pop out the cable), and since
    then no more locky-locky.

    I am waiting til it gets nicer out to check to see what the
    real problem is... I suspect it has to do with a rusty spring that makes
    the P-Brake cable release all the way.

    disallow, May 20, 2004
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