99 TL 3.2 transmission

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ron, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Ron

    Ron Guest

    I have an issue with my TL 4 Speed Transmission is starting to slip it did
    this about six months ago. Had Transmission service by replacing

    Now it coming back. non smooth sifting from 1st to 2nd and 3rd. Any
    thoughts. is it time to have the tranny replaced. I only have 76,000

    also is it possilbe to put in a 2000 5 speed transmission in 1999 TL?

    Ron, Jun 17, 2007
  2. Ron

    E Meyer Guest

    The first thing you want to do is check with an Acura dealer to see if your
    transmission was included in the recalls & transmission warranty extension.
    If yours was included, the 100,000 mile transmission warranty might still be
    in effect.

    It should be possible to install a transmission from a 2000 model, but you
    probably don't want to, they were recalled for a reason.
    E Meyer, Jun 18, 2007
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