__ 'Curly' needs a Carfax - Anybody got one?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by 'Curly Q. Links', Sep 21, 2005.

  1. I'm looking at a 2000 CR-V, but the history on it is very mysterious.

    I already shelled out $20 for an 'Alberta Registries' search, but it
    only goes back to March '05.

    Pretty sure it came from Manitoba originally.

    Can anybody help me out with VIN# JHLRD187XYC805696 ? ?

    Thanks in advance. 'Curly' Since there are a couple of _under_scores_
    hidden in my return address, you'll have to remove them to reply . . . .
    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 21, 2005
  2. curly, my buddy works at a Manitoba Public Insurance broker, I will see if he
    can do a VIN check for you.


    loewent at googlemail (no oogle) dot com
    T L via CarKB.com, Sep 22, 2005
  3. OK, I got one, thanks very much to the sender ! !

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 22, 2005
  4. OK, I got one, thanks very much to the sender ! !

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 22, 2005
  5. 'Curly Q. Links'

    TeGGeR® Guest


    Anything lurid and exciting? Odometer rollback? Drug-gang car? Destroyed in
    volcanic eruption? Anything? C'mon....
    TeGGeR®, Sep 23, 2005
  6. 'Curly Q. Links'

    TeGGeR® Guest


    Anything lurid and exciting? Odometer rollback? Drug-gang car? Destroyed in
    volcanic eruption? Anything? C'mon....
    TeGGeR®, Sep 23, 2005

  7. =============================

    Yes, indeed. Seven reported accidents in a couple of years. Owner must
    have suffered from undiagnosed narcolepsy (falling asleep unexpectedly),
    or a legally blind person (kept driving into things).

    I might have to pass on this one....

    BTW, I had to beat the bushes to find these facts. The carfax had no
    record of any of that stuff. :-(

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 23, 2005

  8. =============================

    Yes, indeed. Seven reported accidents in a couple of years. Owner must
    have suffered from undiagnosed narcolepsy (falling asleep unexpectedly),
    or a legally blind person (kept driving into things).

    I might have to pass on this one....

    BTW, I had to beat the bushes to find these facts. The carfax had no
    record of any of that stuff. :-(

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 23, 2005
  9. 'Curly Q. Links'

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Seven? SEVEN?

    This car must be crumpled tin-foil by now. Seven?

    I believe it. How'd you "beat the bushes"? What did you actually end up
    doing? Might be handy for others to know.

    As an aside, somebody in another group had a Carfax subscription and was
    offering to do checks for people for the little bit he had left and wasn't
    going to use. I ran my VIN past him, and Carfax correctly reported only one
    owner, but failed to mention the fender-bender I had a few years ago.

    Another car based in California was run through Carfax. Carfax accurately
    (and in detail) reported the repeated emission test failures this car had
    had, and reported the number of owners.

    It seems Carfax only gets its info if insurance companies, state motor
    vehicle departments, and the like, report to them what's been done. If
    nobody reports, it doesn't get entered.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 23, 2005
  10. 'Curly Q. Links'

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Seven? SEVEN?

    This car must be crumpled tin-foil by now. Seven?

    I believe it. How'd you "beat the bushes"? What did you actually end up
    doing? Might be handy for others to know.

    As an aside, somebody in another group had a Carfax subscription and was
    offering to do checks for people for the little bit he had left and wasn't
    going to use. I ran my VIN past him, and Carfax correctly reported only one
    owner, but failed to mention the fender-bender I had a few years ago.

    Another car based in California was run through Carfax. Carfax accurately
    (and in detail) reported the repeated emission test failures this car had
    had, and reported the number of owners.

    It seems Carfax only gets its info if insurance companies, state motor
    vehicle departments, and the like, report to them what's been done. If
    nobody reports, it doesn't get entered.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 23, 2005
  11. --------------------------------

    This is good: Some help came from a fellow on the newsgroup who knows a
    guy who used to work with a guy who works for an insurer who was able to
    just phone the DMV in his city and ask for the name of the 'Most recent
    registered Owner' (nothing illegal about that).

    I phoned the Department of Motor Vehicles in every province the car had
    resided, and one was VERY forthcoming with the details. Then I searched
    the name of the 'last registered owner' and found it was an AUCTION,
    (google told me the owner supports Ducks Unlimited, BTW), and then I
    phoned a used car dealer (I knew) in the same city and asked him all
    about the auction in question. He was very talkative.

    BTW: Carfax will say "there's no sign of odometer tampering" even if
    there are NO READINGS ON RECORD. A truthful, but misleading statement.

    I'd love to get my hands on a copy of this vehicle's Out-of-Province
    Inspection. It should read like a cheap horror novel. :)

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 23, 2005
  12. --------------------------------

    This is good: Some help came from a fellow on the newsgroup who knows a
    guy who used to work with a guy who works for an insurer who was able to
    just phone the DMV in his city and ask for the name of the 'Most recent
    registered Owner' (nothing illegal about that).

    I phoned the Department of Motor Vehicles in every province the car had
    resided, and one was VERY forthcoming with the details. Then I searched
    the name of the 'last registered owner' and found it was an AUCTION,
    (google told me the owner supports Ducks Unlimited, BTW), and then I
    phoned a used car dealer (I knew) in the same city and asked him all
    about the auction in question. He was very talkative.

    BTW: Carfax will say "there's no sign of odometer tampering" even if
    there are NO READINGS ON RECORD. A truthful, but misleading statement.

    I'd love to get my hands on a copy of this vehicle's Out-of-Province
    Inspection. It should read like a cheap horror novel. :)

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 23, 2005
  13. 'Curly Q. Links'

    SoCalMike Guest

    in california, all you need to do is enter the license plate number in
    the DMV website and itll tell you its smog check history. no VIN needed!
    SoCalMike, Sep 23, 2005
  14. 'Curly Q. Links'

    SoCalMike Guest

    in california, all you need to do is enter the license plate number in
    the DMV website and itll tell you its smog check history. no VIN needed!
    SoCalMike, Sep 23, 2005
  15. 'Curly Q. Links'

    dold Guest

    No mileage there... pity.

    It shows no hits at all on my recent vehicles.
    Don't you get to go about four years before a smog check on a new car?

    It was a little amusing to see an old vehicle of mine moving around the
    area. At first I thought it was wrong. I've never been to there... but it
    was after I sold it. Another one that I gave away failed smog, but I see it
    magically passed three years later ;-)
    dold, Sep 23, 2005
  16. 'Curly Q. Links'

    dold Guest

    No mileage there... pity.

    It shows no hits at all on my recent vehicles.
    Don't you get to go about four years before a smog check on a new car?

    It was a little amusing to see an old vehicle of mine moving around the
    area. At first I thought it was wrong. I've never been to there... but it
    was after I sold it. Another one that I gave away failed smog, but I see it
    magically passed three years later ;-)
    dold, Sep 23, 2005
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