A/C and dehumiidifying

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TJ, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. TJ

    MikeHunt Guest

    That is why I said MODERN HVAC systems. It is your government
    at work, once again. Among the new current federal regulation
    set maximum amount of water capacity for toilets and washing
    machines (top loaders are going away and prices for the new front
    loaders are nearly triple) and the government has set 60 degrees
    a the MINIMUM outside AMBIENT temperate of for ALL A\C systems to
    operate, in buildings and autos, to save water and energy. The
    theory is if is is only 60 degrees you can use the 60 degree
    outside air to cool the space. There is an exception for the
    defrost mode in vehicles because the A\C is not used to cool the
    space but to aid in defrosting. ;)

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Oct 18, 2003

  2. I've never heard of that or seen it in place. Are you sure you aren't
    thinking of discounts and refunds that apply to energy saving systems?
    Kevin McMurtrie, Oct 19, 2003
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