A/C Fan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mvarcola, Sep 11, 2005.

  1. mvarcola

    mvarcola Guest

    The A/C fan in my wifes car is not coming on. There is power to it I used a
    test light to check the wires. Is there and easy way to test the fan to
    make sure it is not working before I replace it. Can I just run a jumper
    wire to the positive side of the fan? Or do I need to run a power and a
    ground. Never done it so I figured I better ask before I screw somethin
    up. Easy to get the info 1st instead of regreting after!!
    mvarcola, Sep 11, 2005
  2. mvarcola

    Woody Guest

    Do you have 12 volts across the fan motor or are you just measuring from the
    fan wile to ground? If 12 volts across the fan the motor is bad If 0 volts
    across the fan and 12 volts to ground the ground circuit is open...
    Woody, Sep 11, 2005
  3. ---------------------

    Provide +12 and negative to the fan (disconnect it from the Honda while
    testing). Don't worry about polarity, you only have to do it for a
    second to see if it works. I use a little 12 v. battery from a
    motorcycle or alarm system for such tests. Portable.
    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 12, 2005
  4. mvarcola

    James Rose Guest

    I was having the same problem with the AC fan in my 1994 Accord. It would
    come on if I tapped on the shroud but would shut back off after a few
    seconds or would run weak. I knew then it was most likely the fan motor -
    probably the brushes are very worn. So, in an attemp to put off having to
    buy a new motor, I took it out and sprayed WD40 into a little hole in the
    side of the fan motor - not what I can recommend for everyone. Anyway I
    plugged the motor back in and it ran strong - no more off and on stuff. Put
    the whole assembly back together and it's been working fine ever since then.

    James Rose, Sep 15, 2005
  5. mvarcola

    mvarcola Guest

    Thanks for all of your help. I just tapped on the fan motor and it kicked
    back on. But of course the a/c is still not blowing cold. So time to keep
    mvarcola, Sep 18, 2005
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