A/C in 1995 Honda Accord LX 4 Dr Sedan

Discussion in 'Accord' started by amanda992004, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. amanda992004

    amanda992004 Guest

    My oldest sister let my other sister use her 1995 Honda starting Fall
    2002 until my other sister got a new one in summer 2004. It was used
    by my brother before for 2 1/2 years. There was a small accident with
    1995 Honda in 2002 Fall. It seemed that the AC would work but needed
    frequent freeon refill while no detection of the leak. The owner
    sister (a physician) was so busy that she can't tell me the
    chronological detail of that repir work due to that accident.
    that accident, A/C work was also done at the same shop with warranty.
    When the A/C wasn't working properly, they took it back to the shop but
    the guy was not in business anymore and was in jail from, according to
    neighbor shops, for killing his gf.

    Timing belt, etc was changed before letting my other used and so the
    engine is in good shape.

    I am helping my sister sells this car since it is just sitting and
    taking space. One of the potential buyer, after looking under the hood,
    said that the compressor is not moving. If it is true, can anyone tell
    me how much would it cost to repair?

    BTW, what's the deal with the SRI light on. (The belts are good and so
    is there a concern w.r.t airbags?) My sister, the one who drovem, said
    that the guy at the shop where she did the oil chnage, told her not to
    worry about it but potential buyers are driving me nuts about it. I
    think they want to get a really good deal out of this but we are more
    interested in giving away to a family friend on disability than selling
    it at ridiculous price.

    For my knwledge, I want to learn more about the SRI light and the cost
    to repair the compressor on AC.
    amanda992004, Jun 28, 2005
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