A/c messed up?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Newhope via CarKB.com, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. My car, Honda Civic VP, 2005, less than 8K miles on it.

    My situation is as follow: The thermorstat is always at the highest cool.

    When I turned the switch to the symbols of "air to the face" or "air to the
    face and legs", A/C light is off, then the air gets into my car is from

    However, when I turned the switch to the symbols of "air to the windshield &
    legs" or "air to the windshield", the cool air keeps blowing out, even the
    light on the "A/C" is turned off.

    As soon as the cool air blowing out like this, no matter where the switch
    position is, cool air keeps blowing out, as long as the fan is still on.

    Guys, please educate me on this issue. Thanks!

    Should I consider this is the major problem that needs to be fixed at the
    soonest time?
    Newhope via CarKB.com, Apr 28, 2006
  2. That's correct.

    That's correct.

    That behavior is by design.

    Any air to the windshield is assumed to be defrosting air. To defrost
    the windshield--to remove moisture from the windshield--requires DRY
    air. Therefore, any air directed at the windshield will be dried out by
    the air conditioner before going to the windshield.

    This is by design.

    As far as the a/c light not coming on: Honda has heard complaints over
    the years from people who see that light come on automatically, even
    though they didn't select it. They probably got tired of taking the
    phone calls and so they decided just to leave the light off. However,
    the behavior continues--because you directed that air go to the
    windshield, presumably to remove moisture.

    (That's what the A/C does, really--it doesn't cool so much as it removes
    moisture from the air.)

    This is ALL covered in your owner's manual. I'm going to take a wild
    guess and say that you've never bothered to open it. Well, you should.
    Go get it and open it to the climate control section, and it will tell
    you all about this behavior.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Apr 28, 2006
  3. Newhope via CarKB.com

    tww Guest

    Yes indeed that's what happens. Does it on the 03 Civic I drive. Did not
    do it on the 5th gen Prelude I just sold -- you could turn the air off when
    defrosting. But, you would just wind up turning it on again to clear the
    windshield for the reason stated.
    tww, Apr 28, 2006
  4. Thanks for your info.

    Newhope via CarKB.com, May 2, 2006
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