A/C~Window Tinting :)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. Hi all you sexy Honda lover's. I have a question about my 1997 Honda Accord.
    Now I live in Arizona and it's about 112 degrees here and my A/C seems to
    "try" to work but it's not ice cold like it should be? I figured I need Freon?
    Any suggestions on if I should buy some and give it to the dealer to put in
    or can I put it in? Is there any Freon that is "better" then the others in
    other words I want the a/c ICE COLD because it is SO hot here and when the
    sun is beaming through the windshield it seems like the a/c isn't working at
    all :( I also see that ALOT of cars have thier windshields totally tinted
    and I went to a few places and they said "No,it's illegal to tint the whole
    windshield"? Do you guys think thats totally true or do you think if I keep
    looking I will find someone to do the WHOLE windshield. All my other windows
    are 2% yes VERY(illegally) dark but I just want the windshield tinted maybe
    10% just to keep the car a little cooler is this just not going to happen?
    Please any suggestions will help :)
    97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com, Jun 27, 2006
  2. "97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com" wrote
    Lovers, not lover's. There's your grammar lesson for tonight.

    Solutions: get the a/c tested to find out whether or not it's working
    properly. If it is working properly, then keep your car parked in a garage.
    Even at 112, if it's in a garage (including a public parking garage), the
    a/c will be nice and cool because it got a head start. Both my former car, a
    97 Civic and my current car, an 04 Accord, behave well under those
    conditions. Parked outside in the ungodly heat, even for 10 minutes, it
    can take quite a while to cool down from an interior of 130-150? degrees
    down to the desired 80 or less. And, you have to be moving along, not
    idling, to keep the car cool.

    Don't tint your windshield; you won't be able to see out at night. Granted,
    in the daytime you just about need welder's goggles, but.... at night you're
    on equal footing with anywhere else in the world. If you want to tint the
    other windows, go ahead. However, none of my 04 windows are tinted, and I
    don't notice any "added" heating. Despite the fact that both my previous two
    Civics were tinted, they still heated up to ridiculous temperatures while
    sitting in the summer sun. That could be because they were Civics, not
    Accords... maybe their a/c systems weren't as good, I don't know.
    Howard Lester, Jun 27, 2006
  3. No windshield tinting. I was a Phoenician for 27 years (now a Flagstaffer)
    and never even saw a tinted windshield. I'm sure that would get you cited
    immediately. However, windshield shades for when you are parked are a huge

    As for the A/C, ask around for recommendations and take the car to a pro.
    Dunno where in the valley you are, but that RV place south of Bethany Home
    on 19th Ave (some guy's name) should treat you right. In the days of R-12 I
    did all my own, but have found I can only make R-134a systems worse. The
    good news is that in a '97 it is a system designed for R-134a, so you won't
    have the loss in efficiency a conversion gives.

    Mike (my wife used to keep oven mitts in the car so she wouldn't burn her
    hands on the wheel)
    Michael Pardee, Jun 27, 2006
  4. 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com

    Patrick Guest

    If theft isn't a concern you can crack your window slightly when parked in
    the sun.

    I let the heat out for a couple of minutes by leaving the windows down and
    the sunroof open while I drive off.
    Patrick, Jun 28, 2006
  5. 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com

    Matt Ion Guest

    First, your A/C doesn't take Freon, it uses R-134a refigerant. You
    could try to put Freon in it, but you'll destroy it for all time. If
    it's not cooling properly, it's likely that the refrigerant is only low,
    but the question then becomes, WHY is it low? Is it leaking? A proper
    service by a qualified shop is the best route to make sure it cools to
    the best of its capabilities.

    I don't know what the laws are in Phoenix, but here in BC, NO tint is
    allowed AT ALL on the front windows- tint may only be from the driver's
    position and back. If you're caught with illegal tint, you can be given
    an inspection notice, which effectively pulls your car off the road
    until it's back to spec, meaning the illegal tint is removed (if the cop
    is really in a mood, he can even have it towed to an inspection shop,
    where they won't release it until it's passed). That's ON TOP OF a
    ticket of well over $100.

    I might suggest you find out just what your local laws are about window
    tint, and go to the trouble of making your car comply NOW. The
    alternative is being forced to make it comply later, probably at a very
    inconvenient time to deal with it, and almost certainly with a lot of
    extra cost involved (tickets, towing, etc.)

    Same applies for everyone else here.
    Matt Ion, Jun 28, 2006
  6. 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com

    Brian Smith Guest

    The price for that ticket in Nova Scotia is $215.00.
    Brian Smith, Jun 29, 2006
  7. I agree with you, although the vehicle safety enforcement in Arizona is
    spotty at best. When I moved here in 1974, a friend went to register a VW. I
    was sure he couldn't register it, because there was a masive hole where one
    of the headlights should have mounted... there wasn't even a place to mount
    the holder! He registered it with no trouble at all. Our state motto is

    I believe enforcement of vehicle requirements in the Valley is done on the
    basis of officer convenience. Amazing numbers of cars drive around with
    headlights, taillights and brake lights out until an officer wants a reason
    to stop the car. If a windshield is tinted they would probably do a
    double-take and pull it over right away, though. Allowing that to get
    started would be over the top.

    Michael Pardee, Jun 29, 2006
  8. 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com

    critterdawg Guest

    I have a 96 Accord LX4 door. It is black and sucks up the heat as well
    though now where near the 112 that your dealing with. However, I have found
    that the AC over the past year began to go as well. So after doing some
    searching I finally recharged the system my self.
    I went to Target and got a R124a recharge kit for $25. You can get this at
    any automotive store as well. I would suggest getting one that has the guage
    on it so that you can see how full your system is. You will also need some
    sort of Thrermometer. I used one that you would put into meat to see f it is
    done cooking in the center. The reason I used this one is that you will
    stick it into the center air vent. Accordcing to most things that I read you
    should get about a 30-40 degree difference from the outside air temp to the
    AC. I measured mine and was getting a 20 degree difference.

    Follow the directions on the bottle but it was pretty simple. Turn AC on
    full Blast and drop the windows so that the AC compressor keeps running.
    (doing this during the day helps keep that compressor going) then look under
    the hood. as you face the car, over the left fender you will see two blue
    caps on different aluminum tubes. The bottom one is the low pressure side of
    the AC system. (it makes it easy because if you get the wrong one then the
    Recharge kit will not fit it anyway. So hook that up and then pull the
    trigger and charge it while saking the can. It took me about 15 minutes or
    so to fill it up into the green area on the gauge. Also the kit I had you
    had to press down on the part that fit onto the tube as well as pull the
    trigger. (tricky tricky)

    Anyway if this doesn't work long for me then I will know that I have a leak
    and will take it to someone to fix. (I have read that you can get a recharge
    bottle that has a dye in it that will show you where your leak is if you have
    one.) However, since you have a 97 then I think that you will lose a little
    over time and if you are the first owner then you know whether or not you
    have had it done in the past onthat car.
    critterdawg, Jun 29, 2006
  9. 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com

    Matt Ion Guest

    It can be kinda hit-and-miss here as well, but when they DO nail ya,
    it's not usually pretty. Sometimes it'll just a written notice to fix
    the problem, and you have 30 days to bring the car back and show the cop
    that it's fixed, and the warning gets cancelled. But the option is
    always there, if they think there's something else wrong, to write up an
    inspection notice, pull the car off the road, and/or have it towed.
    Stuff like tint, cops won't usually go out of their way for... but if
    you ever get busted for something else, there's a better-than-fair
    chance it's gonna get noticed, especially if the cop is having a bad day
    - they are only human, after all.
    I've known some people that have driven around for years with glaring
    safety problems (busted brake lights, etc.) with never even a sniff from
    a cop... but really, is it REALLY worth taking the chance? Especially
    for something that's easily fixed, when getting written up on it means
    you'll have to deal with it anyway, PLUS pay whatever extra fines?

    Cost of a new bulb NOW: $2.50.
    Cost of a new bulb AFTER getting a ticket for having a brake light out:
    $2.50 + $75.

    It's not rocket science :)
    Matt Ion, Jun 30, 2006
  10. Well thanx man I do appreciate it :) I will write all this down so I can go
    to Target tomorrow. The a/c like I said works when its not so hot outside or
    when it rains I guess because the car is cooler. I did find a place that
    tints the windshield with a "special" tint they say to keep the heat out but
    it is sort of dark looking when you look at it but when you sit in the car
    and look out of the windshield you cant even tell it's tinted except for the
    heat from the windshield seems more relaxed and not so hot so ???? I might
    look into that? Thanx alot and I will let you know how my recharging went :)
    I am good with cars my daddy taught me well so I do know quite a bit for a
    girl. Wendi
    HondaGurlll via CarKB.com, Jun 30, 2006
  11. 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com

    richard48 Guest

    I live in S. Fl., where it also gets very hot. Before I get in the hot
    car to drive away, I open both doors (2 door car) and just wait a couple
    minutes before I get in the car and drive away.........makes a big
    difference. Also my windows are tinted (but not the windshield), and I
    always use a sun shade. The only other thing to do is get a garage !
    richard48, Jun 30, 2006
  12. 97HondaGurlll via CarKB.com

    karinhall Guest

    Or a good cover! :)
    karinhall, Jun 30, 2006
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