A new aquisition

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by FiSH, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. FiSH

    FiSH Guest

    Howzit group. I've recently been given free of charge a 1994 Accord 2dr
    coupe (auto)in excellent shape. Only problem with the car is that it has
    a blown head gasket. The engine I believe to be a F22B2 (non VTEC). I
    know it's worth the money to redo the engine, but if I wanted to go high
    performance later on is this a good engine to mod? If not, are there
    other engines that will drop in to the engine compartment without major
    modifications? Being new to Hondas I've looked a little on the net but
    didn't find too much mod info on this motor.

    FiSH, Dec 30, 2003
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