a really BIG thank you!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DGB, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. DGB

    DGB Guest

    In the past year or so I have either posted questions or found that someone
    else had posted them for me (i.e.. was having the exact same problem). This
    group has been extremely helpful! I have changed the radiator (twice), the
    hoses, the fan switch, the temp sensor. and the head gasket, just to name a
    few. I have also allowed a "real" mechanic replace the timing belt and the
    axel/CV joints. All of this work and the swearing, screaming, bleeding...
    has been worth all the trouble and was made must easier due in no small part
    to y'alls advise.

    In this electronic medium it is often difficult to remember that it was in
    fact y'all and not the computer that willingly gave this assistance to me
    and I have not always returned afterwards (hands being washed) to say "thank
    you". So I would like to do so now, Thank you, all, very much!!!!

    DGB, Apr 6, 2006
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