A Word Of Thanks

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by NJSS, Dec 17, 2003.

  1. NJSS

    NJSS Guest

    In this season of giving, I would like to give a word of thanks to the
    moderator and members of this newsgroup. Over the years the I have received
    almost priceless information here. And whereas many newsgroups have swayed
    offcourse and have become nothing more than bulletin boards for sexual
    perversion, get-rich-quick schemes, and political views, this one has stayed
    true to its original mission.

    As a proud American, I cannot help but notice that much of the participation
    has been based in Canada. I salute our Good Neighbors to the North for
    contributing to this newsgroup's content, and I may add with no doubt, to its

    Happy Holidays to All,

    NJSS, Dec 17, 2003
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