"ABC's GMA, Brought to You by Honda, Says Don't Buy Stuff"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    ah, liberal environmentalists, rich people with nothing to do...

    from www.newsbusters.org
    ABC's GMA, Brought to You by Honda, Says
    Don't Buy Stuff

    Left wing environmentalist Sam Champion continued to push his eco-
    agenda on Friday's edition of Good Morning America. The liberal
    weatherman enlisted the help of IdealBite.com, a Web page devoted to
    "green living." One of the site's founders, Heather Stephenson,
    lectured a family interested in going green about the evils of buying
    new toys for their children. She explained, "'Cause the best thing
    that you can do for the environment, actually, is not buy more

    The goal was to help the couple "get their green on." And while
    some of the suggestions were sensible, others sounded rather
    socialist. After encouraging a neighborhood "toy swap" as an
    alternative to new toys, the other founder of Ideal Bite, Jennifer
    Boulden, touted old jewelry. "And that's the best thing you do, in
    terms of eco, is not have to buy new. People don't think about the
    fact that when they're wearing new jewelry, it is from the Earth. It
    has to be mined," she hectored. Isn't this more than a little
    hypocritical on the part of GMA? After the segment ended, commercials
    appeared advertising a new Disney movie, Amtrak, the newest cars from
    Hyundai and Honda. Wouldn't it be best to watch an old Disney movie
    and not encourage the making of new ones? Shouldn't eco-Americans
    simply buy used cars and not patronize Honda and Hyundai?

    [This item, by the MRC's Scott Whitlock, was posted Friday
    afternoon on the MRC's blog, NewsBusters.org: newsbusters.org ]

    In more activist news, Elle magazine has awarded the
    aforementioned Mr. Champion an "eco-illuminator" award in its new
    issue. The publication openly phrased the meteorologist for inserting
    an agenda into his weather reports:


    Weathering Heights

    One of the strangest disconnects over the past several years has been
    that TV meteorologists have been talking about the unseasonably warm
    winters, early springs, heat waves, and other erratic weatherâ€"yet,
    until recently, they never mentioned the words global warming or
    climate change. Champion changed that: On one of his first assignments
    as weather anchor for Good Morning America, in late 2006, he traveled
    to Iceland and witnessed firsthand the melting ice cap. Since then,
    he's been saying the forbidden words loud, and saying them proud, to a
    mass-market audience. "I have the perfect venue," says Champion, who
    does one green segment a week. "People want to hear about it, and they
    want to talk about it."

    See: Elle www.elle.com

    To show you what kind of company Champion is in, the magazine
    also gave an award to this summer's Democratic National Convention, to
    be held in Denver. "...They'll be in for the greenest Democratic
    National Convention in history," Elle applauded. Finally, the magazine
    also congratulated the work of No Impact Man, Colin Beavan.
    NewsBusters readers may know him as the radical environmentalist who
    is giving up, not just electricity, but also toilet paper. To bring it
    full circle, Champion has twice promoted Beavan on GMA. As Earth Day
    appoaches, viewers can expect more environmental lecturing from
    Champion. One question though, are the expensive suits he wears second
    hand? Does Champion know how much energy is wasted to make new ones?
    See a June 26, 2007 CyberAlert posting for more on Beavan: www.mrc.org

    A transcript of the segment, which aired at 8:41am on April 18,

    SAM CHAMPION: We are counting down to Earth Day right here on the
    old GMA show. Showing you know how to live greener. And this morning,
    we're focusing on the little changes that can make a big impact on the
    planet. Now, we've enlisted the help of our friends at the
    environmental website IdealBite.com who are giving one family a green
    make-over, you could call it. But it's something that we can all learn
    from. Planet Earth, it's home to over six billion people. And we share
    the planet with wildlife and plant life. So, how do we take care of
    our most precious resources? Our loved ones. Well, maybe one step at a
    HEATHER STEPHENSON: Hi, I'm Heather.
    JENNIFER BOULDEN: And I'm Jen from IdealBite.com.
    CHAMPION: Three years ago, Heather Stephenson and Jennifer
    Boulden co-founded IdealBite.com, a website dedicated to helping make
    our lives a little bit greener through simpler and practical bite-
    sized tips. They believe that even the small steps can make a big
    difference. o, we asked our ideal ladies if they could teach one
    family how to get their green on.
    [Knocks on door of home. Rest of segment is Boulden and
    Stephenson touring the home and making suggestions.]
    CHAMPION: Michelle and Scott McCuen (PH) have two very important
    reasons for wanting a more eco-friendly life style. Four and a half
    year-old Mason and two and a half year-old Maddix.
    SCOTT MCCUEN: We have two kids now and we just want to teach them
    early how to help the Earth and, you know, teach them about green and
    start them young.
    STEPHENSON: Yeah. Great. That sounds great. Let's get started.
    The more we can look for toys that don't incorporate plastic in it,
    the better. These are wooden-based toys, painted with environmentally
    friendly paint. And what's really great about these toys, you know,
    obviously they're going to grow out of them. You know, he's going to
    grow up. They're going to grow out of them. They're going to want
    other things. So, find a group of people and do a toy swap. 'Cause the
    best thing that you can do for the environment, actually, is not buy
    more stuff.
    BOULDEN: Let's go through the morning ritual. All right? You're
    getting ready and reach for your shampoo. Who would have thought that
    there's actually eco-shampoos out there? There's also organic beauty
    products available. Same with your makeup. Here is a new idea. It's
    basically your brushes that are often used plastic for the bristles
    and raw materials. These are made out of bamboo, and recycled aluminum
    and then synthetic bristles as opposed to animal bristles or ones
    again that are petroleum based. And, lastly, you might be putting on
    your jewelry when we're getting ready.
    BOULDEN: And these type of items actually come from, like,
    vintage. And that's the best thing you do, in terms of eco, is not
    have to buy new. People don't think about the fact that when they're
    wearing new jewelry, it is from the Earth. It has to be mined. A lot
    of energy goes into that. A lot of chemicals are used in the mining
    STEPHENSON: Here in your home office, we usually like to think
    about two different ways that you can get a lot more green in your day-
    to-day life. The first is dealing with paper. Print two sided. You can
    set your printers settings so that you print double sided. Everyone
    gets way too much junk mail. The average person, this is not going to
    surprise you, gets 11 pieces of junk mail a week. If everyone in the
    United States actually went online and signed up to have their junk
    mail reduced, we'd save 11,000 trees. Really, look at the energy use
    of your appliances. Something that most people don't know, is that
    their appliances are actually using energy even when you're not using
    them. So, perfect example, you guys have this cell phone charger
    plugged in here. All right. 90 percent of the energy that this cell
    phone charger uses is just evaporating into the air while it's sitting
    here not plugged into the phone and not charging the phone. Most the
    people don't want to be pulling plugs though into and out of the wall.
    So, what you guys have already done, which is great, is you have a
    power strip that has one of those on/off switches, so when you're not
    here in your home office, all you have to do is just switch off that
    switch. It's not only going to help the environment, but it's also
    going to lower your electricity bills for your home.
    SCOTT MCCUEN: Great. Sounds good.
    STEPHENSON: It's good stuff.
    Mike, Apr 21, 2008
  2. In what way do either of these suggestions imply Socialism? You might
    want to look up the definition of Socialism before you answer. Then
    you can look up the definition of conservatism which I think would be
    a more accurate characterization of her position.
    I'm sorry, does Ms. Boulden represent GMA? Since she does not, how
    could her comments be considered hypocrisy on the part of GMA?

    You right wingers are so full of yourselves that you don't think
    anyone has a right to a contrary position.

    Your advocacy of the right to squander is a major reason why the sign
    at the gas station said $3.99 tonight. This attitude has been a
    disaster for our environment, our natural resources and now, our
    economy. Now you feel very smug about criticizing someone for having
    the audacity to suggest that people trade among themselves instead of
    chucking the old item in the garbage and jumping in their SUVs to
    drive to the mall and buy some new stuff.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 22, 2008
  3. In what way do either of these suggestions imply Socialism? You might
    want to look up the definition of Socialism before you answer. Then
    you can look up the definition of conservatism which I think would be
    a more accurate characterization of her position.
    I'm sorry, does Ms. Boulden represent GMA? Since she does not, how
    could her comments be considered hypocrisy on the part of GMA?

    You right wingers are so full of yourselves that you don't think
    anyone has a right to a contrary position.

    Your advocacy of the right to squander is a major reason why the sign
    at the gas station said $3.99 tonight. This attitude has been a
    disaster for our environment, our natural resources and now, our
    economy. Now you feel very smug about criticizing someone for having
    the audacity to suggest that people trade among themselves instead of
    chucking the old item in the garbage and jumping in their SUVs to
    drive to the mall and buy some new stuff.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 22, 2008
  4. Gordon McGrew wrote:


    Uh, "right wingers" haven't been in charge in Washington since Reagan
    left office in 1989...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 25, 2008
  5. Gordon McGrew wrote:


    Uh, "right wingers" haven't been in charge in Washington since Reagan
    left office in 1989...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 25, 2008
  6. That depends on what the definition of "right winger" is.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 26, 2008
  7. That depends on what the definition of "right winger" is.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 26, 2008
  8. Mike

    Jim Yanik Guest

    this guy ought to read "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg.
    In reality,"liberals" are the ones who dismiss,ignore and/or suppress
    opinion not agreeing with theirs.(PC)
    Sometimes violently.

    But,he probably could not bear hearing the reality.
    Jim Yanik, Apr 26, 2008
  9. Mike

    tango Guest

    George Bush, Dennis Haster, and Tom Delay are all left wing LIBERALS
    tango, Apr 29, 2008
  10. Mike

    tango Guest

    George Bush, Dennis Haster, and Tom Delay are all left wing LIBERALS
    tango, Apr 29, 2008

  11. Uh, read what I said again.

    Try just a little harder.....

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 29, 2008

  12. Uh, read what I said again.

    Try just a little harder.....

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 29, 2008
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