About Kent Finnell (but you knew this already)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Boston Blackie, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. Rules of the Kent, Madison's Master of his own Domain:

    1) Master Kent is good, you are bad.
    2) Master Kent is right, you are wrong.
    3) Master Kent is sane, you are not.
    4) Master Kent knows all about you. You know nothing of Master Kent
    5) Master Kent tells the truth. You can't handle the truth.
    6) What therefore God hath joined together, let Master Kent put asunder
    that he may smite his enemies as "Bastards."
    7) Master Kent is the ultimate arbiter of politeness. You are rude.
    8) Master Kent's incessant regurgitation of the historic mistakes of his
    enemies are contemporary and vibrant. You beat dead horses.
    9) Master Kent demonizes those who deserve it. Your demonization is a
    sure sign of desperation.
    10) Master Kent is the only scorekeeper Master Kent will allow. You are
    not allowed to keep score.

    12) The sayings of Master Kent are full and sufficient. Yours require
    details and citations.
    13) Master Kent has no use for pseudonyms. If you use one, you are a
    coward, unless your beliefs are the same as Master Kent's.
    14) Master Kent pins demeaning nicknames and constantly uses them on the
    opposition. Your doing so only shows your desperation.
    15) Master Kent is defined by his inconsistencies. Your inconsistency
    defeats your arguments.
    16) Master Kent apes your tactics with no compunction. Your tactics are
    out of line.
    17) Master Kent is secure in his omniscience. You are merely out to
    18) Master Kent is interesting. You are boring.
    19) The comments of Master Kent are pointed. Yours are pointless.
    20) Unless cornered, Master Kent always must have last word.
    21) Master Kent may hold grudges forever. You must get over it.
    22) Master Kent knows humour. You do not.
    23) Master Kent is humble. You are arrogant.
    24) Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
    Boston Blackie, Jan 4, 2005
  2. Boston Blackie

    Kent Finnell Guest

    It appears that Boston Blackie is now showing his true troll nature and
    ignoring the rules of ethical posting by posting his attacks upon me in
    random newsgroups, totally disregarding the fact that the attacks are off
    topic except in nashville.general. I apologize for the crossposting but I
    don't plan to go to each and every newsgroup to defend myself.

    BTW, Blackie, you missed at least one, you unethical cur.
    Kent Finnell, Jan 4, 2005
  3. Well, if I missed one, then there must be a pattern, so your mention of
    "random newsgroups" would seem to be in error.

    But, I forget, you don't make mistakes, those are for little people.

    I also forgot that only you know humour, to rectify that I'll just make
    a little note...

    Collect them all!!!
    Boston Blackie, Jan 4, 2005
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