ABS light sometimes stays on then sometimes turn off

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by geraldz, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. geraldz

    geraldz Guest

    Hi there
    I have a 94 Honda Accord vtec. When i bought the car there was nothing
    wrong with the ABS light. I noticed it started playing up when i
    replaced the positive terminal which i didn’t have on tight enough.
    Also i replaced my two front brake pads and gave it a oil change.
    Could either of these have caused the problem with my ABS Module?
    Could the problem be i didn’t bleed the brakes properly, didn’t add
    enough brake fluid or could i have wrecked the sensor or wiring to the
    sensors when putting in the brake pads?
    At the moment its been at the mechanics going on 2weeks now, they had
    replaced the ABS module with a second hand one but its still having
    the same problem. Now they are telling me the secondhand module is
    faulty so they are trying to find another car exactly the same so they
    can test out the module to see if it is faulty, does this sound right?

    Im trying to gather info to hurry them along because this is just
    devastating that they don’t know whats wrong with it and they suppose
    to be mechanics!

    Can anyone help...Please
    geraldz, Apr 22, 2008
  2. geraldz

    jim beam Guest

    no, it sounds like they don't know what they're doing. if the light is
    on, there will be a diagnostic code. that code will tell you [or them]
    exactly what the problem is.

    cars were driven for about 100 years /without/ abs. you could go on a
    great driver training course with the money these clowns are costing you
    and learn how to drive so that you'd never need it.
    jim beam, Apr 22, 2008
  3. geraldz

    E Meyer Guest

    Probably not the positive terminal. Maybe the front brake job.
    Maybe. If there is still air in the main lines it could confuse the ABS.
    Did you bleed the ABS? Have you changed the ABS fluid? The ABS system has
    its own separate fluid reservoir and is bled separately from the main
    Is the main reservoir up to the MAX line? If its too low, the "Brake" light
    should come on. Sometimes both ABS and Brake will come on for low fluid.
    Certainly the shop would have topped it off by now if that was the problem.

    If it worked before you messed with the brakes & failed immediately after,
    I'd say its more likely you did something at one of the wheels.
    Two weeks? Sounds like they either aren't familiar enough with the system
    to fix it or they have a payment due on their boat they would like you to
    make for them.

    The ABS modules can be problematic on this vintage of Honda. What is the
    trouble code stored by the ABS when the light comes on? That will tell you
    if its really the module (which is the most expensive component in the
    system) or something simpler (cheaper) like a disconnected or dislodged
    wheel sensor.
    ABS was an option on this generation of Honda. The main brakes are
    completely functional without it. You might consider just taking the bulb
    out of the light and remember to pump the brakes the next time you go into a
    skid. To completely fix it could approach the current value of the car,
    especially with the apparently clueless shop you are using.
    E Meyer, Apr 22, 2008
  4. geraldz

    motsco_ Guest


    You've fallen in among thieves. Incompetent ones at that. The tone rings
    are probably just dirty or the sensor got some junk on it during the
    service. The ABS system has diagnostic 'blink' codes that should have
    told them what to fix first.

    A Honda dealer would have had you fixed and out for a one hour charge.

    Your ABS module is just as likely to fail as your main 'computer'(ECU).
    Read this:

    motsco_, Apr 22, 2008
  5. I have a '94 GS-R and occasionally the ABS light will come on when I
    start driving it. shutting the car off, then immediately restarting
    it clears it and it doesn't come back on. Sometimes it will do it
    frequently for a week or two but then it might not happen again for a
    month or more.

    Was your problem more consistent than that?
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 23, 2008
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