AC Condenser replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bk, May 2, 2007.

  1. bk

    bk Guest


    Thanks in advance for any input on the following. I'm wondering if
    anyone here has ever changed the AC condenser/drier/etc on a late 90's
    Civic, Accord, or other comparable vehicle.

    The AC condenser clutch on my '97 Civic gave out about a year ago.
    I'm not terrible with mechanical stuff, and I've done a fair amount of
    work on the car myself before. I especially don't mind giving it a go
    on a non-essential such as AC. So... I've toyed with the idea of
    replacing the condenser and drier myself.

    There is not any significant pressure left in the system, but I'd
    expect whatever residual product of the R-134a to be left that one
    might expect. My question is specifically in this issue: What
    environmental/biological dangers would I stand to encounter if I tried
    to perform this work myself? I understand 134a to be a fairly
    unfriendly substance and I'm not interested in growing a third arm or
    putting myself at additional risk of cancer over a few hundred

    I understand that I'd still have to have a shop evacuate and refill
    the 134a if I perform this work.

    Thanks again in advance for any advice!
    bk, May 2, 2007
  2. bk

    motsco_ Guest

    Start reading through all these posts and see if you're up to the

    challenge (they pertain to the Gen II CR-V):
    motsco_, May 2, 2007
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