AC fan on 89 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Forrest, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Forrest

    Forrest Guest

    So far so good on my head gasket replacement. In the process I discovered
    that my PCV valve was shot and plugged up. After replacing that and the head
    gasket, I'm not using or leaking oil any where near as much.

    I disconnected and removed the AC compressor, since it didn't even have a
    clutch on it. Don't really need it anyway. I was thinking that I read
    somewhere that the AC fan is supposed to come on after the engine is shut
    off, to cool the radiator down. Is that true and is that only if the AC
    happens to be on at the time and if the engine is hot ? Or did I just dream
    that? Anywhooo ... I was wondering if it could be coupled with the regular
    fan and have extra cooling ... or would that be too much current draw on the
    circuit ? I suppose one could use a toggle switch and a solenoid to make it
    manual. It would be nice to have extra air flowing through the radiator for
    those occasional, long, slow, steep climbs up a mountain road on a hot day.
    Any thoughts on that?
    Forrest, Sep 30, 2008
  2. Forrest

    IB Guest

    The ac system will demand fan activity as it requires. So will the engine
    cooling system. If you've removed the compressor, the ac system won't demand
    fan activity any more, but this won't interfere with engine demand for
    fans(s), which should already run the fans flat out if it is needed. Running
    the fans more than they are needed won't help (but will increase fan wear
    and electrical demand). So I'd just leave it alone, if you see the engine
    temp going too high, you have a simple fault with the engine cooling system.
    IB, Sep 30, 2008
  3. Forrest

    jim beam Guest

    one fan is fine. if you have a car that doesn't have a/c fitted, that's
    all you get and it works perfectly.

    i'd get rid of the surplus weight, not just of the fan, but the heat
    exchanger under the dash too - your air blower will work a lot more
    jim beam, Oct 1, 2008
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