Access to fuel pump

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    OK, I'm going to start using this car now.
    If it dies again on me I have to decide to tow it home and work on it
    myself. (I have a backup car so I'll have time)
    or tow it to a service station. My decision would be based on how easy it
    is to access the fuel pump.
    Can Anyone confirm if the tank needs to be dropped or is there an access
    panel in the trunk or under the rear seat.
    I'm hoping someone knows for sure so I dont have to remove the seat or trunk
    liner to find out????

    If dropping the tank I'll let the garage do it if theres an access panel
    then I'll do it.
    of course this assumes its the fuel pump not just the relay.


    Steve, Jul 15, 2008
  2. Steve

    jim beam Guest

    don't even /think/ of touching the fuel pump until you've sorted out the
    main relay...
    jim beam, Jul 16, 2008
  3. Steve

    motsco_ Guest


    If it won't start again, won't you turn off the radio and turn the key
    to position II and listen to see if the fuel pump runs, like we told you?

    You're starting to sound like a waste of keystrokes.

    motsco_, Jul 16, 2008
  4. Steve

    Tegger Guest

    This sounds like the classic Main Relay problem. The fuel pump is operated
    through that device. The fuel pump itself does not often go bad. It does,
    but far less often than the Main Relay.

    See here:

    If the Relay passes the test, then start looking at spark (the next items
    on that page). If you have spark, /then/ you suspect the fuel pump.
    Tegger, Jul 16, 2008
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