Accord 04 mileage improved if in-coming air is heated?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by dtong22, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. dtong22

    r2000swler Guest

    Elle wrote:
    I was going ot avoid jumping in but I just can;t keep my fingers still.

    I have a 1991 MT Honda Civic.

    In an attempt to improve my understanding of modern engine control
    I built and added a PWM to the both injectors. I have a dual point so
    car has a primary and secondary, AKA main and aux.

    I have watched as the dwell time of the injectors increased as cooler,
    cold weather arrived. I decided to try a siple experiment last week
    when the
    temps got down to 20F. I added a piece of flex tubing to restrict the
    air to air warmed by the radiator. Guess what, the injector dwell time
    back down to the lower values of mid summer.

    I also have a g-meter, accelerometer so I can make some estimates
    better then
    WAGs about performance. Get into 2nd at 15MPH and floor it.Very

    The increase due to cold is on the order fo 10 to 15%.
    So I have to conclude that cold air hurts millage, but I agree it does

    Like many things in life, kind of pardoxical.


    r2000swler, Nov 22, 2005
  2. dtong22

    Elle Guest

    AFAIC, these are wonderful experiments.

    From them, I gather the intake air temperature signal to the engine computer
    tends to dominate, compared to the coolant temperature signal.

    So if I have it right, in cool weather, the injector duration ordinarily is
    higher than in hot weather, and so more fuel per cycle is dumped into each
    cylinder in cool temperatures. I presume this is to bring the engine up to
    normal operating temp, and maintain it there, quicker. With cooler and so
    denser air, more air is packed in as well. So one gets more power, but as
    you imply, more power doesn't necessarily translate to greater efficiency
    miles per gallon-wise.

    Something like this...

    Note for those new to the thread: Below I actually meant the higher wind
    resistance in winter, due to more dense air, will decrease fuel mileage, as
    will other things.
    Elle, Nov 22, 2005
  3. Yup. PV = nRT
    What do you want? Obviously barometric pressure will vary with
    elevation (as opposed to altimeter and barometer settings which are
    based on the corresponding pressure at sea level). Assuming that you
    are not changing elevation/altitude radically, meteorological changes
    in barometric pressure are pretty negligible for the purpose of
    approximating air density. If you are driving from New York to
    Denver, or climbing from sea level to 5000 feet MSL, it will be a
    factor. What is your point?

    Only if they give different results from this one. Otherwise it would
    be superfluous.
    You were the one claiming that weather fluctuations (other than
    temperature) are going to affect air density by 10%. I am merely
    pointing our that you are off by an order of magnitude. Live with it.

    Really? It is what I and many others have learned through logic,
    training and direct experience. It is hardly a secret except maybe to
    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't so stupid
    that you think cold air decreases engine performance. Perhaps I was
    wrong to do that.
    I would recommend you get some then.
    Gordon McGrew, Nov 22, 2005
    Gordon McGrew, Nov 22, 2005
  5. dtong22

    jim beam Guest

    eh? that's totally untrue. you want a list of si turbo engines with
    you're confusing mixture with air intake.
    you should. that way you'll stop making mistakes.
    wishy washy nonsense.
    jim beam, Nov 22, 2005
  6. Elle wrote:

    Great sig, okay if I use it?
    Sparky Spartacus, Nov 25, 2005
  7. It's not a complex with some.
    Sparky Spartacus, Nov 25, 2005
  8. dtong22

    Elle Guest

    No problem.
    Elle, Nov 25, 2005
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