Accord, 1998, 4 cyl. EGR valve

Discussion in 'Accord' started by gailmatthews, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. gailmatthews

    gailmatthews Guest

    My car is an 1998, Accord, Sedan, EX, 4 cylinder with a mileage of
    151,000. I took it in for 150,000 mile service @ Auburn Honda. When
    they asked if I was having a problems, I said, that when I accelerate
    with the pedal about one quarter on the way down to full throttle it
    will start to hesitate. Sometimes it could do it when you start-up and
    then for a while it won't do it. I have had a dropped in MPG too.

    I brought the vehicle in a on Saturday, 3/11/06. The service writer
    told me that he thought it was a clogged EGR valve with carbon
    build-up, but it was getting close to the Service Dept. closing for the
    day, and I would have to bring in back on next week to look at it

    I brought in back today, (3/18/06), to a different service writer & I
    told him the story written above. He had a mechanic look at it, and he
    said the is no wrong with my EGR valve. The service writer said he
    would talk to the service writer who took me in on the 3/11/06 and get
    back to me.

    I said what is the EGR valve going to cost me if I had to replace it.
    He told me, it would about $300.

    I now of a supposedlying a recall on 1998 V6 Accord for a EGR valve,
    but I don't know if the is the same recall of a 4 cylinder?

    What do you think?
    gailmatthews, Mar 19, 2006
  2. gailmatthews

    Jason Guest

    Please clarify this point--You stated that a Honda mechanic examined the
    EGR valve and determined that there was nothing wrong with it. Did the
    service writer examine and test the EGR valve? If not, it means the
    service writer was just guessing. I advise you to buy a can of injector
    cleaner and add it to a full tank of gasoline. After the tank is near the
    empty mark, determine if the problem is solved. If it's not solved, take
    it back to the service department and have them determine the source of
    the problem. A mechanic should be able to figure it out.
    Jason, Mar 19, 2006
  3. gailmatthews

    jim beam Guest

    jason, with respect, you regularly make statements to the effect that "A
    mechanic should be able to figure it out". that's not usually what a
    poster wants to hear having taken the trouble to seek out this forum, so
    please consider the following:

    1. the person posting the question has already taken it to the dealer
    and is not getting answers.
    2. this forum is the place to get questions answered through shared
    experience. and a lot of us have a lot of experience.
    3. if the poster is unfortunate enough to have taken it to a mechanic
    already, and that mechanic doesn't know what they're doing, [and let's
    be realistic, a lot don't], your advice may lead to an entirely false
    assumption about the car.

    when someone posts something like "run injector cleaner through it",
    that's useful advice that may solve a hesitation problem. "A mechanic
    should be able to figure it out" is, for the reasons cited above, not.
    the best thing is that they have as much information as possible so they
    can make a better informed decision.
    jim beam, Mar 19, 2006
  4. gailmatthews

    jim beam Guest

    run a couple of tanks of injector cleaner through it first. it can make
    a huge difference. a lot of people here regard chevron brand as
    effective although i seem to have ok results with others.

    regarding egr, whether or not it's the valve depends on the design.
    with d-series civic engines, a quick clean up of the valve cures
    everything. with accords however, older ones have blanking plugs that
    need to be removed from the manifold and orifices cleaned. google this
    group for info on exact details, and even a how-to pdf on the subject,
    then see if it matches your engine. even if you don't do the work
    yourself, it'll inform you on the procedure so you don't pay for
    unnecessary [and potentially ineffective] parts.

    again, try injector cleaner first.
    jim beam, Mar 19, 2006
  5. gailmatthews

    Jason Guest

    Good points. Please note that I did give the poster some advice. As you
    know, there are several causes for the problem that he mentioned. Some
    people in this newsgroup may tell him to replace various parts in an
    effort to solve the problem but I would never do anything like that.
    Jason, Mar 20, 2006
  6. gailmatthews

    chip Guest

    It wa never a recall! It is a sevice bulletin. And it only went up
    to 100,000 miles.
    chip, Mar 20, 2006
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