Accord 2000

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Rob, May 18, 2004.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest

    Is there any good online resource/book to learn how to service an accord
    2000, I would like to learn more mechanical concepts on this car.
    thanks in advance-Rob
    Rob, May 18, 2004
  2. Rob

    dbaron Guest

    Check out They have great service manuals that are somewhat
    but you will never regret the purchase.

    dbaron, May 18, 2004
  3. Rob

    Jason Guest

    You should visit some of the local auto parts stores and see if they have
    any manuals for sale related to your Accord. There are several companies
    that make them. The one that I purchased was printed by a company called
    Haynes. If you can't find a Haynes manual for your car in your town, call
    them at
    Jason, May 18, 2004
  4. Rob

    Caroline Guest

    None online for the 2000 Accord. But there are a couple of resources for earlier

    The first is . Anyone can describe their pre-1996 Honda car at
    the and get a repair guide that is about as good (and often
    duplicates) the Chilton's manual series.

    The second is . Its most
    recent Honda is a 1997 Civic.

    Public libraries often have the Chilton's or Haynes manual for cars your vintage
    and older. You could check your car's manual out and compare it to what's online
    above, to give yourself an idea of how reliable the online guides for earlier
    Accords are for your car.

    I have a 1991. I find that some sections of the online manuals for, say, 1988
    Civics duplicate those for 1991 Civics. One should tread carefully when taking
    this route, of course. But a lot of the routine maintenance is the same over
    several years of a car's make and model.

    By others' reports here, sells the best manual for your car.
    Should be under $75. Ebay is worth a try, too.
    Caroline, May 18, 2004
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