Accord 2003 LXG motor vibration at 2000 RPM

Discussion in 'Accord' started by MLEGARE, Mar 14, 2005.


    MLEGARE Guest

    Last week, I bought an Accord 2003 LXG manual 5 speed with only 25 000

    During acceleration or deceleration I feel motor vibration in the car near
    2000 RPM.

    This is not severe vibrations but each time I tried 03 accord and later
    ones, I always noticed that these cars had really smooth running engines.

    Do someone has an idea about this problem ?


    Marc Legare
    MLEGARE, Mar 14, 2005

    Jason Guest

    It's my guess that the tires are out of alignment or the tires are not
    balanced properly. I suggest that the first step is to have all of tires
    balanced and see if that solves the problem. If not, get an alignment of
    the wheels. Perhaps other posters might be able to offer more suggestions.
    Jason, Mar 14, 2005

    MLEGARE Guest

    dans l'article ,
    Jason à a écrit le 14/03/05 13:17 :
    The tires are freshly balanced and aligned

    I also feel this problem when the car is idling and I let the motor rev
    freely to 2000-3000 RPM.
    MLEGARE, Mar 14, 2005

    Jason Guest

    I am sorry--I was under the impression that the problem was only when your
    Honda was in motion. If the problem happens when your engine is just
    idling--the first step is to adjust the timing. If that does not solve the
    problem--the next step if to check the engine mounts. You might want to
    have a mechanic do it since it's easier to check the mounts when the
    vehicle is on a lift.
    Jason, Mar 15, 2005
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