accord 87 brake probs

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Ian Mellows, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. Ian Mellows

    Ian Mellows Guest

    My 87 2.0 exi alb accord has failed its test for rear brake imbalance. Both
    service and parking brake appear to be grossly deficient on the right rear.

    Problem is I cannot find anything wrong! Piston, calliper cable etc are all
    totally free and in good order, there are no fluid leaks and the pads are in
    good shape. The self adjusting handbrake mechanism is working fine yet still
    there is a 34% imbalance between right and left.

    Anyone come across this problem or have any ideas??? I am loath to strip
    down the calliper for inspection as it seems to function perfectly
    Ian Mellows, Oct 26, 2003
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