Accord 92 LX , air conditioning just failed

Discussion in 'Accord' started by cosza, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. cosza

    cosza Guest

    The air just failed. One day it was not cold but can still hear the hissing
    under the glove compartment. Th enext day no hissing, I guess it leaked all
    the freon. In your opinion what is the most common item that fails.
    cosza, Aug 29, 2006
  2. cosza

    ib Guest

    They hiss when they're getting low on gas (uncondensed refrigerant expanding
    in the expansion valve). At some point the loss will mean the low pressure
    switch will drop out, then you'll get nothing.

    Your guess is probably correct. Most likely to be the condensor, or
    corrosion on the pipes under the pipe clamps. You might find some obvious
    corrosion, otherwise you need the proper equipment.
    ib, Aug 29, 2006
  3. cosza

    Earle Horton Guest

    O-rings. One is leaking and all the rest are at the point of failure. It
    may be economical in the long run to replace them all at this time. Shops
    often repair the worst or most easily detectable leak, and send you on your

    Earle Horton, Aug 29, 2006
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