Accord coupe - washer fluid container

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Pszemol, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Any time you have snow you are pretty much out of luck to
    survive 3000 or 5000 miles on one fill of the washer fluid.
    I am in Chicago so every winter there is a problem with
    snow+salt on the road. Washer fluid is used up pretty quickly.
    Well, I do not have checking washer fluid level in my routine.
    So yes, I fill up the reservoir when it is empty...
    Do not pull on the side of the road - just drive to the next
    gas station and buy the bottle, pour it and dispose...
    Yes, I travel mostly in the city-suburb area so I do not
    risk being in the middle of nowhere with no fluid...
    Pszemol, Jan 21, 2008
  2. Pszemol

    AZ Nomad Guest

    What are you going to do when it doesn't fit?
    AZ Nomad, Jan 21, 2008
  3. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    You are so pessimistic :)
    Why would it not fit? It does fit Canadian version, right?

    In a worse case I will try to return it to the store
    or if this idea does not work, sell it on :)
    Pszemol, Jan 21, 2008
  4. Pszemol

    AZ Nomad Guest

    Have you ever looked in the engine compartment of any car made in the last
    twenty five years? There won't be enough free space around it for anything
    The canadian version will have a different engine compartment layout around
    the reservoir.
    AZ Nomad, Jan 21, 2008
  5. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Yes, I have looked there in several cars :)

    Actually, washer bottle is usually located outside of the
    engine compartment, between passenger fron wheel plastic skirt
    and the front bumper. Very, very low, almost in the bumper.
    Not necessairly.
    How can you be so sure if you did not inspect them two
    to compare their engine compartment?
    Pszemol, Jan 21, 2008
  6. Pszemol

    Polfus Guest

    You can see it here on the right of the picture:

    Above AC button, to the left of "Mode" button, on this model.

    Polfus, Jan 21, 2008
  7. Pszemol

    Polfus Guest

    Here's a view on a V6 Accord--the bottle with the light blue cap:

    Polfus, Jan 21, 2008
  8. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    Yep. Right smack in the middle of the worst of the Rust Belt.

    There isn't any. Believe me, I've checked.

    I'd have to phone a Canadian Honda dealer (which I can do if you wish).
    Or I could check the wreckers. Accords are a dime a dozen in the
    wreckers up here (although '03-'07 might be a bit too new and hard to
    find just yet). A washer bottle and level switch can't be more than ten

    If you're serious, I can search some wreckers for '03-'07 washer bottles
    for you. You'd have to pay the shipping (just like eBay). Whether it
    would fit behind the US bumper rebar is another story. US bumper rebars
    are different from Canadian ones (2.5mph vs 5 mph) and may even be a
    different shape.

    Dom's Auto Parts in Courtice Ont. tends to have a a good selection of
    newer cars. I could check there first. They're big so they tend to get
    first pick from the insurance writeoffs.

    That's certainly the reason.

    After 17 years of doing this I'm not too worried. I can't swerve THAT
    hard and not lose control.
    Tegger, Jan 22, 2008
  9. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    You can't see the washer bottle in that pic. Just the filler neck.

    Besides, the '08 is a different generation from Pzsemol's '07.
    Tegger, Jan 22, 2008
  10. Pszemol

    Polfus Guest

    True, my man.

    Was just a general pic to get the idea how cramped it may be for th larger
    bottle...I admit I don't have a clue especially since my car is in a parking
    lot a few buildings away from me. Its 27 degrees and I shall not be
    venturing outside to check a windshield wiper fluid reservoir this evening,
    if you know what I mean.

    Polfus, Jan 22, 2008
  11. Pszemol

    Tony Harding Guest

    Piss & moan in Usenet about how Honda doesn't care about its customers
    and various "design flaws"?

    Just a guess. ;)
    Tony Harding, Jan 22, 2008
  12. Pszemol

    Tony Harding Guest

    Here is the key to this entire thread, "should". You're insisting the
    universe should be other that it is, which is known as "musterbating" by
    Al Ellis (RIP) and his followers.

    This is not to say Honda couldn't or wouldn't change things in
    subsequent models - we know they do, but an existing model is a fait
    Tony Harding, Jan 22, 2008
  13. Pszemol

    Tony Harding Guest

    Damn straight! It's all the fault of TPTB keeping normal citizens like
    us off balance so they can keep control and bleed us dry. i.e., part of
    the shock doctrine.

    In the hot dog example, you have to buy 3 packages of franks and 2
    packages of buns to come out even. It's a conspiracy at the highest
    level, I tell you!
    Tony Harding, Jan 22, 2008
  14. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    Here's my Canadian one-gallon bottle.
    Bumper has been removed.

    It's tighter than tight in there with the bumper on.

    It's 5 degrees right now as I type. Not fun out there.

    The most I've done in the last two months is drill some holes in the
    wife's right-front signal light to let out the moisture that's suddenly
    been accumulating in it. This is a Toyota by the way...
    Tegger, Jan 22, 2008
  15. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    It's the propane sellers who are at the heart of this particular
    conspiracy. We all know it.
    Tegger, Jan 22, 2008
  16. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Thanks, but I was wondering about 2004 coupe without navi.
    Did they have heater mirrors in Canada back in 2004?
    Pszemol, Jan 22, 2008
  17. Pszemol

    Polfus Guest

    Wow...I never knew they were under there like that..the 2.5L just fits in
    the engine compartment, IIRC...not big enough to require the "under the
    bumper" housing.

    Thanks for that pic...very illustrative and specific. You didn't take that
    obviously just for this thread...

    And I shall go so far as to say that it appears that there is NO WAY that
    will fit inside the engine compartment of Pz's 2007 Accord.
    I feel like someone is slapping me around when I go out in this weather..I
    swear if I could hibernate....
    Then drill *more* holes in it...heh.

    FWIW: the scariest car I ever drove was a 1987 or so Toyota Supra.

    I actually pulled over and told the dude I didn't wanna drive it any more.

    And another quick Toyota story is I always liked the way the original
    Corollas felt with the old stick shift..that was a fun car.
    Where are you anyway? Near the border I would imagine? Minnesota? Michigan?
    ( hope I spelled 'em right )

    Polfus, Jan 22, 2008
  18. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Mine is '04 coupe, unfortunatelly :)

    And yes, what is on the picture is a filler neck...
    The bottle is down behind the front bumper corner.
    Pszemol, Jan 22, 2008
  19. Pszemol

    Polfus Guest

    Hah! That's a gas!

    Polfus, Jan 22, 2008
  20. Pszemol

    Polfus Guest

    Yeah..but check it out:

    If you remove the 2.5L reservoir bottle and mount a 4.5L replacement under
    the bumper, then one would have room to install a little area for putting
    hot dogs and buns together in that same area. Maybe a small toaster oven
    that's been hollowed out, to simply hold the items in a metal container that
    can heat up from the engine's heat. Cooks his dinner there on the way've seen it before...but at least now there will be a definite
    space for this side project under the hood.

    Only problem is that I think that most recipes for hot dogs use US
    measurements, and if the engine puts out B.T.U.'s or heats up in Celcius
    then there's gonna be calculators involved.

    Not to mention that IIRC, only 1 package of buns and 1 1/2 packs of hot dogs
    will fit U.S. model there's gonna be at leat 1/2 package of
    hot dogs that will be left over. And a package of buns.

    Why can't Oscar Myer design a hot dog package with *6* hot dogs in it, not
    4? Is it so hard to include the extra 2 hot dogs?

    And why hasn't Honda considered changing the front bumper engineering to
    allow space to go ahead and cook the extra two hot dogs, even if we would
    have no bun for them?

    You can CLEARLY see that Honda DOES NOT CARE about the public or else they
    would design an Accord that could *nourish* the driver after he completes a

    Whew...I'm gonna go get something to eat...

    Polfus, Jan 22, 2008
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