Accord door lock problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by alixpenrose, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. alixpenrose

    alixpenrose Guest

    For about two months I haven't been able to keep my '94 Accord EX
    locked. When my (power) locks are triggered, it will keep triggering
    over and over and won't stop. It started when it did it a couple of
    times, then a few more and now it just keeps going endlessly. I can't
    fully lock my car because manually locking the driver's side door
    triggers the power lock system. I don't know if it's related, but my
    AutoPage alarm system that must be connected to the power lock system
    (it has the lock/unlock buttons I used since I bought the car) stopped
    working a month or so before this. It seemed like it was in valet mode,
    but I followed the directions to get the alarm system out of valet mode
    and it never would. All I can find online is a problem with the door
    lock actuator, but I'm not convinced since it's usually that the door
    stops locking when it's an actuator problem, not that the door keeps
    locking. I'm a college student living on campus and I'm so nervous
    about someone stripping my car. What are the possible problems, and
    which is the most likely?
    alixpenrose, Jan 10, 2006
  2. If the lock actuators are anything like the ones in my 92 Acura Legend,
    then you have the same symptoms I did. I would lock the doors via the
    lock button, shut the door, and it would start cycling trying to lock
    the doors over and over and over... It would even start doing this
    while it was sitting in the driveway, hours after it had been locked.

    I went to one of the Acura Legend sites and followed the directions there
    to remove the lock actuators and check a rubber bumper in there to see
    if it was worn or broken. They were fine, and when I put everything
    back together, I never had the problem again. It may have been the
    connectors on the wiring to the lock actuator, and it went away when
    I disconnected them to take the actuators out and reconnected them when
    I put them back in.
    Mike Iglesias, Jan 11, 2006
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