accord hybrid pricing in SoCal

Discussion in 'Accord' started by dxmah, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. dxmah

    dxmah Guest

    Knowing that the new 2005 Accord Hybrid is a hot car, anybody have any
    experiences with dealers/brokers that'll sell it at MSRP or below in the LA
    area (or surrounding)?? Thanks! -d
    dxmah, Mar 15, 2005
  2. dxmah

    SoCalMike Guest

    likely none. you can try AAA, autobytel, sams club or costco. they all
    offer pretty much the same deal.

    forex: i am/was looking for a scion XA. merely out of curiosity, mind
    you! figured it wasnt as "hot" as the XB or TC, so id get a bit of a
    deal. i checked the costco site, and there are no scion dealers in the
    program :(

    for the accord hybrid, id expect to pay at least sticker. thats the
    price for being a trend-setter. at best, they wont charge "additional
    dealer markup".
    SoCalMike, Mar 16, 2005
  3. Recently saw one for $27,900.
    It's definately not as popular as the Prius, which still sell for over
    Tush Smells Bush Kills!!!!!!!!!!!, Apr 13, 2005
  4. dxmah

    dold Guest

    Over the last few weeks, I've watched the local Toyota dealers start
    advertising the Prius, as "order now", then "order now for delivery in five
    weeks", then four, three, two, "available for delivery now".

    I didn't check what the pricing was relative to MSRP.
    dold, Apr 13, 2005
  5. dxmah

    SoCalMike Guest

    the prius is marketed toward the enviro-weenie technogeek. the accords
    system is more designed to provide additional power.

    i think priuses are cool, but id rather have an 88-91 Si hatch and have
    the best of ALL worlds- power, sport, luxury. well, i consider power
    windows luxury, and they do have em, right?
    SoCalMike, Apr 13, 2005
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