Accords: 4 or 6 Cyl.? Opinions?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Robert11, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. Robert11

    Robert11 Guest


    Never had either before, but it looks as if I'll probably be
    purchasing a new Toyota Camry or Honda Accord sedan next month.

    Very confused over the pros and cons of the 4 vs 6 cyl models.

    a. what do "most" people buy ?

    b. I understand that the 6, of course, will have more power and presumably
    faster acceleration.

    Realize that this is very subjective, but for "normal" usage, do I
    really need, or want, a 6 cyl. ?

    c. Other pros and cons, caveats, etc. ?

    Opinions on this would be most appreciated.

    Might as well also ask: general opinions on Camry vs Accords ?

    Much thanks,
    Robert11, Aug 26, 2003
  2. Robert11

    Paul Guest

    Speaking as the owner of a 2000 Accord SE (4 cyl. auto), I'm very happy with
    the 4. It has plenty of power (150 hp, and apparently the '03s are rated at
    160), it will cruise all day at 80 or 90 (not that I would do that), and
    it's averaged a little better than 25 mpg over 45,000 miles (upwards of 30
    on the highway). All that for several thousand dollars less than I would
    have had to pay for a V6.

    I have always heard that Camrys are excellent cars, but I think they tend to
    cost a little more, comparably equipped, and are said to be a little less
    sporty in their driving characteristics. For that matter, I have read that
    the new Accord is a little less sporty than the previous generation.

    My 2 cents -- hope it's useful.

    Paul, Aug 26, 2003
  3. I've had both--and came to the conclusion that for everyday "normal"
    use, the 4 cylinder models are quite fine. Lower maintenance, lower
    fuel costs, and just as good in "normal" use.

    Even over the mountains on the freeway, with the A/C on, my 2000 Accord
    4 cylinder (manual trans) got 35mpg. You won't ever see that on a 6
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 26, 2003
  4. Robert11

    Tod Guest

    ***Owner of a Honda 2000 Accord 4cyl, auto***
    The 4 cyl has enough power, even with 4 people in car.
    But I do wish I had gotten the 6 cyl, not for any practical reason.
    Getting the 6 cyl is not a need , just a want.
    Tod, Aug 27, 2003
  5. Robert11

    Guest Guest

    I just traded the old Accord and got a 2003 Accord V6. The Toyotas and
    Hondas are both good choices. I like Accord because it is cheaper and
    sportier than the Camry. A 50 year old friend just got a Camry V6, she
    said it makes her think "father's car" and drives more like a boat than
    she expected. Otherwise, she likes it.

    You need a 4 cylinder Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic. After that we are
    talking wants.

    I wanted, more room, quieter ride, and faster acceleration. Dare I ask
    for some fun despite the child seat in the rear?

    I traded in a '94 4 cylinder Accord EX and had found it adequate. It
    seemed speedy and nimble but noisy at highway speeds and didn't have
    enough speed to easily out compete big V8 pickups/SUV's and other large
    menacing highway vehicles driven by pushy self centered drivers on the

    I test drove both a 4 cylinder and a V6 Accord. The cost is around more
    $2000 for the V6 vs 4 cylinder and I wanted to save money.

    But, I was disappointed in the 4 cylinder. The EX seemed not much better
    than my '94. That surprised me. Reviews said how it was supposed to be
    faster, quieter, and better in so many ways. Maybe. But, not to me. It
    was just transportation.

    Then I drove the V6. The first thing that strikes you is the much
    quieter engine. The second thing that strikes you is less road noise. It
    is clearly a more refined driving experience. Then you hit the highway.
    Whoosh! The engine doesn't growl, complain or otherwise disturb your
    ears. You slowly hear the flow of air around the windows increase from a
    low muffle. The other cars quickly get small in your rear view mirror.
    You can hear that wonderful radio with improved mid-range in the EX.

    I had two relatives in the back seat during the test drives. Before I
    spoke, I asked them what they thought. Not close. They said the V6 was
    far better from the back seat. Ditto to what I thought as driver. I
    bought the V6 on the spot.

    If you have the money, this is a no brainer. V6 is better. It's fun to
    drive slow or fast. It comes with side curtain air bags, the 4 cylinder
    '03'a do not. The V6 Camry costs more and is under powered compared to
    the Accord. Can the Camry lower all 4 windows from the key fob while you
    walk to your car after a hot day?

    One more thing. If you put premium gas in the V6 it gets better. The
    engine compensates timing for octane of gasoline and has a high 10::1
    compression ratio. It gets spunkier. I just put my first tank in.
    EYOOWWW! It's more fun than a guy with a child seat has the right to
    expect for less than $25k.

    You know those commercials where the guy with a new car looks for any
    excuse to drive it? I thought them silly. After driving 30+ highway
    miles to get home late from work one night, I drove past home to play
    with my car and listen to the CD. Tired and hungry, I still wanted to
    drive the car. I never did that with my 4 cylinder.

    The V6 feels like a racehorse, if you can be discreet about your use of
    it's speed and power than it's for you. On ramps are now a breeze.
    Trucks/SUV's trying to pass and cut in front from the right lane
    (instead of the the left as the law prescribes) now back off after a
    touch of the accelerator. I find that I don't need to drive that fast.
    At least some pushy drivers seem to respect the speed when you give them
    a flash. It surprises them. The V6 is a stealth speedster.

    On the other hand, I can see how in the wrong hands, this could mean

    Good luck! Tell us what you get.
    Guest, Aug 28, 2003
  6. Robert11

    Randy Hunt Guest

    Hi have to agree as a 2000 SE (4 cyl) owner.
    Randy Hunt, Sep 3, 2003
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