Accords Transmission Settlement for not in US

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Harry, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Harry

    Harry Guest

    Dear group,

    does anyone know a contact at honda for that transmission problem if
    the car is not in the US ?

    I live in Uruguay (South America).
    Honda accepted to change the transmission one time and the replacement
    got the same problem. But Honda Uruguay does not want to change it for
    the second time.

    Regards from Uruguay, Harry
    Harry, Jul 2, 2007
  2. Harry

    TE Chea Guest

    | the replacement got the same problem

    mysterios ( Mr know all ) deserve problems
    TE Chea, Jul 3, 2007
  3. Harry

    Tegger Guest
    There is a phone number at the bottom.

    HONDA said no such thing. Your independent franchised Honda DEALER said
    that. The DEALER is NOT Honda. The dealer is an independent company that
    has permission from Honda to sell and service Honda's automotive products
    with Honda's support.

    Why is it so hard for everybody to comprehend this simple fact?
    Tegger, Jul 4, 2007
  4. Harry

    Harry Guest

    Who is responsable for the Car quality if the dealer is not ?
    Harry, Jul 10, 2007
  5. Harry

    Tegger Guest

    I see I misread you the first time. You said Honda Uruguay declined to
    fix the transmission twice. That *is* Honda corporate, not a dealer.
    Sorry about that.

    Honda is responsible for a car's quality. Honda relies on its dealers to
    fix any quality issues. The dealers can apply to Honda for reimbursement
    for the costs of the repair, even if the repair is done out of warranty.

    If Honda Uruguay will not pay for a second replacement, I guess you are
    out of luck unless you want to phone Japan, or can somehow talk Honda
    Uruguay into a second replacement.
    Tegger, Jul 10, 2007
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