Acura Reliability

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jamco, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. Jamco

    Jamco Guest

    I would say if both the engine and transmission went after only 40/60k there
    is something not right.
    I myself would unload it
    Jamco, Nov 4, 2005
  2. Hi! I own a 1999 Acura 3.2TL which I bought new. It only has about 60k
    on the odometer. The whole transmission has been changed at 40k and the
    WHOLE engine is being replaced right now (all under warranty). The
    mechanics don't talk very much and say they had "problems" with that
    model. I was just curious if i was an isolated case or if it's normal
    that the mechanicals on that car SUCK that much. I have to say that I'm
    the kind of guy who tries to save gas instead of racing on every traffic
    light! Everyone I know who own a Honda keep telling me that they beat
    them up like crazy and still get reliability. What do you think? Is my
    car a lemon? Sould I sell it once it has a brand new engine and tranny?
    Thanks for your comments
    Collectif LFG, Nov 4, 2005
  3. *After* it's been fixed?

    Steve Bigelow, Nov 5, 2005
  4. Jamco

    John Horner Guest

    The transmission problem is certainly normal. Most Honda transmissions
    of that vintage appear destined to fail way before 100,000 miles.

    John Horner, Nov 5, 2005
  5. It's practically a new car now. So why would you sell it?
    Tush Smells Bush Kills!!!!!!!!!!!, Nov 5, 2005
  6. No, not most. Only many that were mated to V6 engines.
    High Tech Misfit, Nov 5, 2005
  7. Thanks for all your replies. However, I think I haven't made myself
    clear on certain points: The transmission simply went crazy as it was
    unable to change any gears without my head banging on the headrest every
    time. So it's been changed. Now, the engine started to sound more like a
    diesel than anything else but still was running fine. THEY decided to
    replace it. I bought that Acura because I thought it was reliable (as
    any jap car?) AND because it was more fun to drive than any of the
    equivalent models from other brands. I live in Montréal Canada and I
    used to store this car in a garage all winter long to keep it from
    rusting and drive my beater during winter (an old Nissan Stanza that I
    find more reliable than my TL...) I always took good care of the engine
    before every winter: put some fog oil in each cylinder, change the oil,
    fill up the gas tank and add some stabiliser etc. I planned to keep that
    car forever but since I had so many problems with it (even besides the
    drivetrain) and that the engine and tranny are new on it, plus the fact
    that it still looks like a brand new car inside and out, I think I'm
    going to sell it for a fairly good price! I'm so dissapointed that I may
    go back to Nissan with the Infiniti G35 (I miss RWD a lot)

    Have a nice day!
    Collectif LFG, Nov 5, 2005
  8. Jamco

    John Horner Guest

    Sorry, I should have said most Honda/Acura vehicles with V6 engines,
    which of course includes all of the poster's TLs.

    John Horner, Nov 5, 2005
  9. Jamco

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    John, you would still be wrong. At the very best, "most" would
    represent the slightest number more than 50%. "Many", on the other
    hand, indicates a substantial number without (necessarily) implying that
    the number of failures is more than the number which don't fail.

    "Many Honda/Acura vehicles with V6 engines have transmissions that will
    fail" is a true statement.

    "Most Honda/Acura vehicles with V6 engines have transmissions that will
    fail" is not a true statement. That's why HTMF corrected you.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Nov 6, 2005
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