Acura used a Tire Plug to repair my tire, is that safe & reliable?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JayN, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. JayN

    JayN Guest

    Acura did some work yesterday on my car. I was told they found a nail
    in one of the tires, and they repaired it for free. Later that day, I
    noticed the receipt said the part used to repair the tire was a Tire

    Today I called up the Service Rep. who confirmed that they did plug
    the tire from the outside and did not remove the tire from the rim.
    He says it should last the lifetime of the tire and they have never
    had any problems with plugs and he even uses them on his own tires.

    Is it true that Tire Plugs are a safe and reliable way to repair a
    JayN, Sep 5, 2008
  2. There's a lot of disagreement on this-- some saying you should patch from
    inside (in addition to or instead of plugging) while others say it's fine to

    I've plugged about a dozen nail holes in the last 35 years or so on a
    variety of passenger and light truck steel belted radial tires(using a plain
    vanilla retail tire plugging kit)-- and only had one problem. The plug
    didn't seal properly from the get-go so I pulled it out and replugged it
    with another plug and all was fine.

    Flatus Johnson, Sep 5, 2008
  3. JayN

    JayN Guest

    I haven't found the plug yet, so I don't know exactly where it is
    located, but wondering.... would a plug still work in the case of the
    hole being on the driving surface of the tire itself as opposed to
    within the grooves of the tire's driving surface.

    Seems to me if the nail hole were not within the grooves of the tire,
    then the plug would be directly in contact with the road with each
    spin of the tire, and would wear out relatively quickly, is that
    JayN, Sep 5, 2008
  4. JayN

    L Alpert Guest

    I haven't found the plug yet, so I don't know exactly where it is
    located, but wondering.... would a plug still work in the case of the
    hole being on the driving surface of the tire itself as opposed to
    within the grooves of the tire's driving surface.

    Seems to me if the nail hole were not within the grooves of the tire,
    then the plug would be directly in contact with the road with each
    spin of the tire, and would wear out relatively quickly, is that
    L Alpert, Sep 5, 2008
  5. JayN

    Tony Hwang Guest

    So what's wrong with using plug? One more thing you can do is patch it
    from nside the tire. If you're so concerned, get another new tire.
    I wouldn't worry about it if it is done properly.
    Tony Hwang, Sep 6, 2008
  6. JayN

    Tegger Guest

    No they didn't. Acura did nothing at all to your car. Zero.

    The independent company that sells and services Acura vehicles on the other

    For FREE!?

    FREE? You mean they fixed it for nothing? You got something from a
    $tealer$hip for FREE? You never said THAT before. At least not in the other
    group you posted to and which you seem to have abandoned when you didn't
    get the response you were hoping for.

    It seems to me that you were hoping for a response that promised dire and
    deadly repercussions, such anticipated damage which would aid you in a
    lawsuit against the guilty $tealer$hip.

    You know, if I were the dealer and I knew what you're doing just now, I'd
    never again ever do anything for you for free, nor would I ever again tell
    you if I found something minor and fixed it. You might try to cut my head
    off for my efforts. Or sue me. Or who knows what.

    Do you imagine that somebody who would do something for you for free would
    be trying to rip you off?
    Tegger, Sep 6, 2008

  7. For FREE!?

    FREE? You mean they fixed it for nothing? You got something from a
    $tealer$hip for FREE?[/QUOTE]

    Tegger, I get lots of things from my Honda dealer for free.

    Just a few months ago, it was the second replacement idle air control
    valve. Yep. For free. They did the first replacement a year earlier
    for free, too. Van is an 02 model, currently with 62K on the clock. So
    both replacements were well out of warranty.

    I love it when I hear people make the cry of "stealership!". It shows a
    stubborn lack of understanding on their part of how the world works. Do
    I use the dealership? Yep. Do they take care of me? Absolutely. Have
    done so for 20 years now.

    My favorite story is taking my 79 Civic to this same dealership back in
    86 or so, with a rusted front beam. I didn't know what was wrong, but
    they sure did. They wouldn't let me take it home, said to come back
    tomorrow, all fixed. I did, and it was.

    Based on that, I bought a second 79 Civic for my now-wife. It developed
    the same problem, and we had the same result.

    And after that came the rusting gas tanks, due to bad design. Handled.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Sep 6, 2008
  8. JayN

    Tegger Guest

    Tegger, I get lots of things from my Honda dealer for free.[/QUOTE]

    I was being (VERY) sarcastic.

    Our "JayN" idiot appears to be one of those persons who regard franchised
    dealers as legal robbers, hence the tone of my response.

    My local Acura dealer has always been very fair with me, including
    admitting when certain work was beyond their abilities or economics.
    Tegger, Sep 6, 2008
  9. JayN

    jim beam Guest

    jim beam, Sep 6, 2008
  10. JayN

    Tony Hwang Guest

    My Honda dealership is very fair, friendly place too. They do good work,
    their techs are knowledgable, when I leave car for the day to servie it,
    they of course will give me a ride across town to my work but instead
    they give me transit token so I can ride light rail saving time. Of
    course they give me a ride to the station. Dealerships are mode of
    people, not heartless robots. Remember it's two way street in human
    Tony Hwang, Sep 6, 2008
  11. JayN

    jim beam Guest

    dealers that rip you off [for example] for whole new braking systems
    after only 35k miles are neither fair nor friendly.
    jim beam, Sep 6, 2008
  12. "Tony Hwang" wrote
    The last time I took my car in for (40K miles) maintenance at my Honda
    dealership (3 months ago), the salesman, sales manager, and the service
    manager all came out to see me, having heard I was going to be soon moving
    away. They all wished me well, told me they'd miss me, wishing there were
    more customers like me. The sales manager even offered to help me buy a new
    car at a Honda-AutoNation place where I'm going. I'll miss them, too,
    because they've been good and fair to me over the 17 years I've dealt with
    them, including buying three new cars from them. So yeah -- good dealerships
    are out there.
    Howard Lester, Sep 6, 2008
  13. You know, going back to my dealership story: there's exactly one tech I
    let touch my Hondas anymore. I don't know any of the others (with one
    exception, below), which isn't a huge deal, but I *do* know this one
    guy. We chat while he works on my car, believe it or not. He's very
    conscientious, and he's very good.

    Plus, the service manager is a square guy. me, anyway.

    There is one tech that this same dealership has allowed to continue on
    for many years. This guy is an out-and-out crook. They just let it
    happen. *I* know about it, but I know a bit more about the internals of
    the shop than the average customer. I also know more about cars, so
    this guy wouldn't get far with me--but as I said, I let one guy touch my
    Hondas. And it ain't him.

    So some of the "stealership" comments are true, to an extent, but
    believe it or not it's not the dealership per se. It may be one guy.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Sep 6, 2008
  14. JayN

    Tony Hwang Guest

    If you are talking to me, I never did any brake job done after 35K
    miles. At any rate do you think I am stupid/dumb enough to be ripped off?
    Tony Hwang, Sep 6, 2008
  15. JayN

    JayN Guest

    Looks like we have a mind reader here! Tegger, the psychic!

    Hi Tegger, You certainly "appear to be" one of those annoying people
    who falsely claim to know other people's motives!

    I was hoping for a civil response. Thankfully, everyone here isn't as
    obnoxious and overbearing as you, Tegger! So I dared ask a question
    about tire plugs, and you, in particular, get all bent out of shape
    about it and start behaving in an obnoxious manner. Who is the real
    idiot here, Tegger?! Hint....look in the mirror!

    JayN, Sep 6, 2008
  16. JayN

    JayN Guest

    Christ! I ask a question, and get attacked for it! God forbid I
    should ask a question!

    Did I accuse the dealer of doing anything wrong? NO! I asked a
    friggin' questoin! How dare you attack me for it! You are a real and
    absolute disgrace, Tegger!
    JayN, Sep 6, 2008
  17. JayN

    jim beam Guest

    of the people i know where i talk about cars, if the person actually
    knows anything, they tend to have a much more positive experience
    getting their vehicle repaired. if they don't, it seems they usually
    get the hose. women especially.

    i used to live where there were mandatory vehicle safety inspections so
    i /had/ to put up with other people touching my cars periodically. it
    was amazing how the inspection guys /always/ managed to find something
    wrong that they /had/ to repair at vast expense before passing the
    vehicle. eg. new shocks allegedly required on a vehicle where they'd
    been replaced less than 3 months prior. brake calipers that suddenly
    had fluid leakage literally hours after they'd had seals replaced.
    screw drivers jammed through underpanels to "detect" rust. it was an
    ugly business.

    eventually, i took to showing up at a shop where i'd had an "i'm going
    to report you" conversation and they remembered me, wearing dirty
    mechanic overalls, dirty hands, and with a a few tools scattered in the
    passenger footwell so the tester got the message that the vehicle was
    /not/ going to be theirs to repair. strangely my vehicles then used to
    pass. even to the extent of a girlfriend's vehicle "failing" for her at
    one test location, and passing with me at mine about an hour later, with
    nothing done.

    bottom line: apart from genuine incompetents, and there are plenty of
    those, there is a very substantial undercurrent of dealers/repair shops
    taking advantage of their customers' knowledge vacuum. but short of
    signing up for evening classes on basic mechanics, something i doubt
    would hurt /any/ vehicle operator, i don't think there's much the
    average joe can do about it simply because they don't know enough about
    what's going on.
    jim beam, Sep 6, 2008
  18. JayN

    jim beam Guest

    nothing personal to you. i'm simply saying that a friend of mine got
    ripped for a whole new brake system on their civic, not once, but twice
    in fact. first time at 35k, second about 20k later iirc. honda dealer.
    jim beam, Sep 6, 2008
  19. JayN

    Tony Hwang Guest

    My dealer does not do anything major on thier own. They call to discuss
    and request permission to go ahead and do the job.
    Tony Hwang, Sep 6, 2008
  20. JayN

    jim beam Guest

    er, the "absolute disgrace" would be you.

    1. tegger is easily the most significant asset this group has - you
    should be grateful for his efforts at and

    2. if you could be bothered to read what he said properly, or had the
    comprehension skills, you'd figure out that while he may be sarcastic,
    he's dead right. acura didn't repair your car, the franchisee did. and
    if they didn't charge you for the repair, then you didn't get ripped off.
    jim beam, Sep 6, 2008
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