Hi folks: I am considering placing a refundable deposit for the new Accord Hybrid. I have many, many cassettes I've accumulated over years and I would like to have a cassette player installed in my new car.In the '04 Accord (all gas engine), there is a large space for storage right under the radio. I am hoping that this same space might be available on the '05 Hybrid Accord for installing a cassette player. But, I am not sure whether to request that this be installed at the Honda factory before shipping or to go to a car stereo dealer after delivery to have this installed? If it is possible for the Honda factory to install the cassette player prior to delivery and I decide for some reason not to purchase the Accord Hybrid after seeing it in person, I am concerned I will be liable for the cassete player cost. However, bc I have never had a car stereo dealer add a component like this, I am also concerned that the car stereo dealer might not install the cassette player in a way that integrates well into the rest of the car stereo system or that comprimises the quality in some way. Any recommendations on whether to request the Honda factory to install the cassette player or whether to have a car stereo dealer do this? Have people had any negative things happen by having a car stereo dealer install a cassette player or am I needlessly worrying about this? thanks for any tips! Craig