ADvice on buying junk title civic in pa?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by mehmet, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. mehmet

    mehmet Guest


    I am planning to buy a civic 98. Junk title has beeb issued to that
    car. I saw the car, the engine in good shape but some body work
    requires. I am guessing it would be around 500-600 $ with used
    parts. The damage in on the passenger side. I am planning to show
    this car to mechanic to check the allignments and engine. My
    question, is it worth buying that car with 50 % mark down. also for
    the insurance, Am I going to pay more due to junk title? how hard to
    resell that car after 2-3 years. Also, I am planning to get
    before/after photos of the car to show the future buyers.

    mehmet, Jun 1, 2004
  2. (mehmet) wrote in
    If it has been issued a junking cert. it can never go on the road again.
    Kevin Bottorff, Jun 1, 2004
  3. mehmet

    oskiller Guest

    Actually, that is incorrect. A junk or salvage can go on the road
    again, it just takes a little more proof when you go to have it
    inspected. I have a buddy with two trucks, one has a junked and one
    has a salvage title. He plans on driving them until they can't be
    driven anymore, because mainly it is almost impossible (not totally
    impossible, but next to it) to sell a car with a junk/salvage title.
    He doesn't pay any more in insurance, but no insurance company will
    give you more thank liability against those titles usually.
    oskiller, Sep 12, 2004
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