Advice on purchasing a Honda Civic 1.4/1.6i VTEC

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Distorted Vision, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. I'm investigating several 2005-6 Honda Civic 1.4-16i. I've seen a 1.4i
    SE at a local Honda main dealer and the mileage is 7500 miles. Should
    I be cautious about buying such a low mileage vehicle? At first I
    assumed it was a positive feature but on second thoughts of it has had
    little usage and has been unused for long periods of time surely this
    is detrimental to the engine in the long term?

    Anyone own one of these Civic models? Please share your experiences.
    Distorted Vision, Oct 2, 2009
  2. Can you spell odometer rollback, boys and girls?
    John H. Holliday, Oct 2, 2009
  3. Distorted Vision

    Leftie Guest

    I recently looked at a 2002 Camry with 28k miles on it. In 2006 it
    had 8k miles on it. It was leased by an 80 year old woman who ran her
    errands in it once a week, then bought off the lease by her daughter,
    who drives 13k miles a year. So low mileage cars do exist, but you want
    to make sure that they weren't driven on too-short trips that didn't
    allow the engines to get hot enough, for long enough, to purge the oil
    of condensates. You also want to make sure they got things like new
    coolant, even though they might not have reached the specified mileage.
    Age matters as well with fluids, and belts!
    Leftie, Oct 3, 2009
  4. Distorted Vision

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    I sold my 96 Civic in April 08 with a little over 90K on it. Did the
    full "time or miles" maintenance on it. It was still a great car at
    12 years old and they guy I sold it to said it was still getting
    excellent milage.
    Dillon Pyron, Oct 4, 2009
  5. Sorry - no. The 7500 miles is the true odometer reading. The car is
    being sold by a very well known franchised dealer. I've checked the
    MOT certificates also for confirmation.

    It comes with a 12 month Honda warranty.
    Distorted Vision, Oct 4, 2009
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