Advice on selling my Accord

Discussion in 'Honda Parts For Sale / Trade' started by A, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. A

    A Guest

    Sorry for the previous post - I scrwed up the title.


    I want to sell my Accord EX 90 150k miles. It has some oil leaks here and
    there, and also the radiator needs to be changed, so a buyer would need to
    fix these, but the engine and trasmission are in good shape. Any ideas how
    much it would be worth? Also, what's the best way to get rid of it: sell it
    (ebay or locally?), trade it in, or simply donate it? Any useful resource on
    the web on this?


    A, Jul 15, 2004
  2. A

    Caroline Guest

    Follow the pointers to used car appraising, buying, and selling.

    You'll have to figure out the adjustment for the radiator and oil leaks. Maybe
    get an estimate from a dealer or independent shop and present it to any buyer.

    IIRC has a resource for car donations that I think benefit NPR.
    I'd also google for "car donation." This seems an increasingly popular way for
    charities to raise money. Should be some that take cars in your area.
    Caroline, Jul 15, 2004
  3. A

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Where are you (and the car) ? bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jul 15, 2004
  4. A

    A Guest

    I am in Sunnyvale, CA


    A, Jul 15, 2004
  5. A

    HNewbie Guest

    Along with, try Kelly Bluebook

    and choose used car value
    and it will ask you for the model, year & mileage and other details about
    your car. You can use it to estimate the rough selling price of your

    HNewbie, Jul 16, 2004
  6. A

    A Guest

    Thanks all for your answers!

    A, Jul 16, 2004
  7. A

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I'm looking for a '90 - '93 Accord for my son. Around here, they are
    going for $2500 to $3500 (U.S.) bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jul 16, 2004
  8. A car this old will probably sell for no more than $2 - 3k, and probably
    only a few hundred if traded in, given its condition. If the body and
    interior are a bit beat, then probably the best thing to do is sell it
    locally for what you can get.

    If you are mechanically inclined, and the car is in otherwise nice
    shape, then it might make sense to fix the oil leaks if they only
    involve the pan or valve cover gaskets, and replace the radiator with an
    aftermarket unit, but I would not invest more than a couple hundred
    bucks and an afternoon or two of work to prepare it for sale. If the car
    can make it through your local or state inspection, this is also a
    good selling point but again, don't spend too much money to fix it up to
    pass inspection.

    Donating can make sense if you are already near the threshold for
    charitable contributions, and you are in a high tax bracket, but find
    out how much you can really write off.

    Ebay will give you a national market, but one difficult problem there is
    getting the vehicle to someone several states away, and handling
    payment. Make clear how you wish to handle these in your ad if you go
    this route, and state its condition honestly, but in the most reassuring
    way you can. Get a feel for how similar vehicles are selling before
    setting a reserve price. Too high a reserve will scare off potential
    buyers, too low will leave you open to a lowball bid if the auction
    attracts few qualified buyers.
    Bruce Nolte N3LSY, Jul 27, 2004
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