Aftermarket CV Boot on Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by WJC, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. WJC

    WJC Guest

    Recently, I noticed that my CV boot was seperated. I know the hassles
    in order to replace the boot. Its a lot of work. So I called my
    friend who owns 2 Accords and I asked him for the neccessary tools.
    He told me on his 93 Accord, he put on a split boot and is working just

    Does anybody here have opinions about putting on an aftermaket split

    Are they reliable?

    Thanks in Advance!!
    WJC, Nov 29, 2005
  2. WJC

    SoCalMike Guest

    just about everyone else on here will say not to. id say to go ahead,
    but check it on each oil change. ive put 2 on 2 different cars before,
    and both lasted until i got rid of the cars. i found the best design
    used an adhesive to glue the halves together.
    SoCalMike, Nov 30, 2005
  3. WJC

    Burt S. Guest

    I've used super glue for rubbers on a Honda o-rings and seems to hold
    up well. Don't know about boots, but worth a try. But follow the directions
    exactly. Split Boots can wobble at high speed and flex like a
    contortionist on steroids at U-turns.
    Burt S., Nov 30, 2005
  4. It's a waste of time. Once dirt gets into the joint, you have to clean it
    out otherwise it will wear out your CV joint in a short time.
    Alex Rodriguez, Dec 1, 2005
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